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The Regents of the University of California

Grant Title: Leadership Training in Pediatric Dentistry

No Website Listed

Project Director(s):

James  Crall, DDS, MS, ScD
School of Dentistry/Pediatric Dentistry
1100 Glendon Avenue Suite 850
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1406
(310) 206-3172
Email: jcrall@dent.ucla.edu


There is a pressing need for (1) leadership training to equip pediatric dentists as MCH professionals with the knowledge, skills, experience and dedication to provide collaborative leadership in MCH system building activities within communities, professional organizations, and other venues, especially with respect to the unique needs of particularly vulnerable MCH populations; and (2) program resources and capabilities to support ongoing related research, education and technical assistance for MCH professionals and programs.

Goals and Objectives:

GOAL 1: Provide postdoctoral training that prepares pediatric dentists for leadership roles in academia, health professions organizations, public program administration, policy development and community organizations for the purpose of improving the oral health of MCH populations, with a particular focus on children in Head Start (HS) and those with special health care needs. OBJECTIVE 1.1: Enroll two trainees/fellows per year in the Pediatric Dentistry Leadership Training Program (PDLTP). OBJECTIVE 1.2: Provide PDLTP trainees advanced public health education and interdisciplinary learning experiences focused on pediatric oral health systems improvement in communities, public and professional organizations, and policy arenas. GOAL 2: Develop and disseminate curricula, teaching models and educational resources to enhance interdisciplinary education in MCH oral health programs. OBJECTIVE 2.1: Expand and disseminate the Community Health and Advocacy Training in Pediatric Dentistry (CHAT-PD) curriculum to other training programs. OBJECTIVE 2.2: Develop and disseminate evidence-based oral health curricular materials for early childhood education programs and programs serving children with special health care needs (CSHCN). GOAL 3: Provide continuing education, consultation and technical assistance in pediatric oral health which address the needs of the MCH community, including HS. OBJECTIVE 3.1: Provide interdisciplinary oral health continuing education/training focusing on early childhood education programs (including Head Start) and CSHCN. OBJECTIVE 3.2: Provide technical assistance and support to organizations and programs involved in developing improved oral health care delivery systems and policies for vulnerable children.


1. Postdoctoral leadership training for pediatric dentists combining clinical specialty training, advanced public health education and community health & advocacy training. 2. Collaboration with UCLA MCH programs focused on leadership development, MCH training, minorities health professions pipeline, early child care systems and community technical assistance. Leverage funds and enhance program coordination. HP 2010 Objectives: 21-1 Reduce proportion of children/adolescents with dental caries in primary/permanent teeth. 21-2 Reduce proportion of children/adolescents with untreated dental decay. 21-12 Increase proportion of low-income children/adolescents with preventive service.


PDLT training program activities will be coordinated with other UCLA MCH programs, the National Oral Health Policy Center, and local and regional MCH programs with functional relationships to the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities.


Quantitative/qualitative data analysis by experience program evaluation specialist.