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University of Hawaii

Grant Title: Hawaii MCH Leadership in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

View University of Hawaii Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Louise  K.  Iwaishi, MD
Department of Pediatrics, KMCWC 7th Floor
1319 Punahou Street, Flr. 7
Honolulu, HI 96826-1072
(808) 983-8387
Email: louisei@kapiolani.org


A need for health professionals to provide leadership in planning, implementing and evaluating comprehensive/integrated service systems exists. MCH leaders that understand family centered care, community systems, financing and major legislation for CYSHCN and their families are lacking.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: To develop leaders for Hawaii’s health services system for CYSHCN Objective 1: For each year, at least 8 long-term, 5 medium-term and5 short-term trainees will have completed the required hours for each category Objective 2: By the end of each year, 100% of the trainees will have completed at least 85% of their Individual Learning Plan. Goal 2: To conduct research and program evaluation (R/PE) that will advance the field to better serve and improve the health status of CYSHCN. Objective 1: By the end of each year, a minimum of one R/PE project completed. Objective 2: By the end of the project period, the R/PE activities for the current year will be evaluated and the curriculum will be reviewed to identify the need for adapting the R/PE activity for the following year. Goal 3: To provide consultation, technical assistance (C/TA) and continuing education (CE) training for health professionals in the Title V Programs Objective 1: By the end of each project year, the Core Faculty and selected trainees will have provided one C/TA and one CE training to a Title V program. Objective 2: By the end of each project year, the MCH-LEND Core Faculty and selected trainees will plan, develop, implement, and evaluate one CE training session for families with children with special needs. Goal 4: To develop collaborative special projects with agencies and programs within the State of Hawaii and in the region. Objective 1: By the end of project period, the MCH-LEND Core Faculty will have collaborated with the State Title V Programs and the Hawaii American Academy of Pediatrics (HMA) to develop and implement a comprehensive training programs. Objective 2: By the end of the project period, the MCH-LEND Core Faculty will have collaborated with the Digital Media Center and PEACESAT to develop a part of the MCH-LEND curriculum using e-learning methods and offer it to trainees on the Neighbor Island and Pacific Islands. Goal 5: To review and improve the administrative infrastructure to assure the effective functioning of the program components including faculty development, evaluating and revising interdisciplinary training Objective 1: By the end of each project year, the Faculty will review, revise, and improve the training components of the program at an annual working meeting Objective 2: By the end of each year of the 5-year grant period, the Core Faculty will have completed a minimum of five educational resource development and dissemination projects.


Goal 1: annually recruit and admit trainees, annually faculty to mentor trainees in development and implementation of learning plan Goal 2: annually convene R/PE committee, convene meetings to plan, develop and implement R/PE activity with Title V agency personnel. Goal 3: annually convene C/TA and CE committees; convene meetings with Title V agency personnel to plan, develop and implement R/PE activity, annually convene meetings with Families to develop, plan and implement CE activity Goal 4: annually plan, develop and implement a collaborative special project among Title V, HMA, and MCH LEND; annually develop work group with the CDS Media Center or the Digital Media Center and PEACESAT to design and plan the CD-ROMS for Family Focused Learning sessions and to make curriculum accessible to the neighbor islands and pacific Basin. Goal 5: Annually schedule faculty retreat to evaluate program in light of “best MCH practices in the field”, MCH LEND Advisory Committee and youth feedback; identify faculty to revise curriculum; identify e-learning activities and faculty to be trained; convene Educational Development Committee and identify and work on one educational dissemination project; disseminate product.


Title V programs (Children with Special Needs Branch, Early Intervention Section, Genetics Program); public programs (Public Health Nursing Branch, Developmental Disabilities Division, Departments of Education and Human Services), Dental Residency Program/pediatric dentists; State agencies: Medicaid, Olmstead Interagency Taskforce, Disability Rights Center, American Academy of Pediatrics, Family Voices, Special Parent Information Network, Medical Home Grant; the Pacific West LEND Consortium.




outcomes of the trainee’s Individual Learning Plan, and discussions at the administrative/ faculty meetings. Summative


final course evaluations, didactic curriculum “block” evaluations, survey of current trainees and graduates, families, agencies and LEND faculty from 3 and 5 years, the Advisory Board and input from groups consisting of stakeholders such as Title V personnel, alumni and faculty, families, youth.