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Homeless Policy Academies - Improving Access to Maintstream Service for People Experiencing Homeless


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Vision Statement

We envision a State where:

  • The causes and challenges of homelessness are understood by all;
  • Government and private programs work together to encourage, facilitate and sufficiently fund comprehensive, collaborative and humane services;
  • A seamless continuum of services tailored to the needs of each individual is easily accessible;
  • Personal and familial responsibility, stability and self-sufficiency are attainable; and
  • Everyone has stable, safe, sanitary and affordable housing.

Policy Academy Meetings Attended

Representatives from this State attended these meetings:
Policy Academy 1
Policy Academy 5


Adobe Acrobat Reader Logo Action Plan (PDF)

Disclaimer: The State Action Plan(s) to increase access to mainstream services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness were drafted following attendance at one or more Policy Academies, comments received from an Interagency Federal Review Team, and refined through onsite technical assistance and integrated with additional homeless planning activities within the State. The Plan(s) are presented here as submitted by the State and without Federal endorsement or recommendation.

Team Lead

Anne Cory
President and Chief Professional Officer
United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra
811 Ryland Street
Reno, NV 89502
Phone: (775) 322-8668
Fax: (775) 322-2798
E-mail: acory@uwayreno.org


This site will no longer be updated after April 1, 2007.

Health Resources and Services Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857

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