Chart 23. Percent of staff nurses and non staff nurses satisfied in their jobs by employment setting, March 2004*

Bar chart with 4 groups with 5 items per group.
Group 1, Extremely Satisified Staff nurse 
Item 1, Hospital 19.2% 
Item 2, Nursing Home/Extended Care 16.9% 
Item 3, Nursing Education 22.1% 
Item 4, Ambulatory Care (non Nurse owned) 31.9% 
Item 5, Public Community Health 33% 
Group 2, Extremely Satisified Non staff nurse 
Item 1, Hospital 32.2% 
Item 2, Nursing Home/Extended Care 28% 
Item 3, Nursing Education 42.5% 
Item 4, Ambulatory Care (non Nurse owned) 43% 
Item 5, Public Community Health 34.3% 
Group 3, Moderately Satisfied Staff nurse 
Item 1, Hospital 53.6% 
Item 2, Nursing Home/Extended Care 49.1% 
Item 3, Nursing Education 44% 
Item 4, Ambulatory Care (non Nurse owned) 49.5% 
Item 5, Public Community Health 48.7% 
Group 4, Moderately Satisfied Non staff nurse  
Item 1, Hospital 49.6% 
Item 2, Nursing Home/Extended Care 51.4% 
Item 3, Nursing Education 43.3% 
Item 4, Ambulatory Care (non Nurse owned) 43.7% 
Item 5, Public Community Health 47.1% 

*Only those who reported the employment setting, position, and level of satisfaction information for the principal position in nursing are included in the calculations used for this chart. 
