African-American History and Culture Items List

12 items available

  1. Letter, Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Banneker expressing his belief that blacks possess talents equal to those of "other colours of men," 30 August 1791 (Thomas Jefferson Papers).
  2. Sales contract between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for an indentured servant's remaining term, 19 April 1809 (Carter G. Woodson Collection).
  3. Letter, Roger Brooke Taney to Caleb Cushing thanking Cushing for his support of Taney's decision in the Dred Scott case, 9 November 1857 (Caleb Cushing Papers).
  4. Letter, Abraham Lincoln to Charles Sumner outlining the president's belief that the dependents of black and white soldiers should be treated equally, 19 May 1864 (Abraham Lincoln Papers).
  5. Chapter from Frederick Douglass's draft manuscript of his autobiography, Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, ca. 1880 (Frederick Douglass Papers).
  6. Letter, Eleanor Roosevelt to Walter White detailing the First Lady's lobbying efforts for federal action against lynchings, 19 March 1936 (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Records).
  7. Drafts of Langston Hughes's poem "Ballad of Booker T.," 30 May-1 June 1941 (Langston Hughes Collection).
  8. Memorandum, "Saving the Race," Thurgood Marshall to the NAACP legal staff concerning voting rights cases in Texas, 17 November 1941 (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Records).
  9. Notes, William O. Douglas to Earl Warren, 11 May 1954; Harold H. Burton to Warren, 17 May 1954; and Felix Frankfurter to Warren, 17 May 1954, concerning Chief Justice Warren's decision in Brown v. Board of Education (Earl Warren Papers).
  10. Felix Frankfurter's draft decree to enforce the Brown v. Board of Education decision, [8 April 1955] (Felix Frankfurter Papers).
  11. Copy of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech submitted for copyright registration, 28 August 1963 (Martin Luther King, Jr., Collection).
  12. Letter, Martin Luther King, Jr., to A. Philip Randolph concerning King's Nobel Peace Prize, 2 November 1964 (Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Records).

African-American History and Culture | Words and Deeds

am Sept-8-97