U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Improving Access to Mainstream Services for People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness, Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, May 20-22, 2003


Additional Resources: Web sites

The following Web sites contain resources that may be useful to States in developing and implementing plans to address homelessness:

U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness www.ich.gov
This site contains state and local information on mainstream resources available to assist people who are homeless, news and updates, a library of resources, a phone list of clearinghouses, and links to member organizations and other helpful sites.

HRSA - Policy Academy Website www.hrsa.gov/homeless
The purpose of this site is to share information from the Policy Academies as well as information from the Federal Planning Committee. This includes materials from the Academies, post-Academy technical assistance information, and useful links to more information on the issue of homelessness.

National Alliance to End Homelessness www.naeh.org
This site includes statistics, policy and legislative information, publications, best practices and profiles, publications, fact sheets, links, and other resources on homelessness.

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council www.nhchc.org
This site has a policy and advocacy section which provides several papers and legislative updates online. Other sections include research, clinical resources, training and education, and publications such as newsletters, fact sheets, and other resources.

The National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness www.nrchmi.com
This site includes annotated bibliographies and a searchable database of resources related to homelessness and mental illness, as well as fact sheets, statistics, training and technical assistance information, referral lists and links to other sites.

The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty www.nlchp.org
This site includes fact sheets on housing, health, and quality of life issues, and also provides a list of its publications and links to other sites.

Technical Assistance Collaborative www.tacinc.org
This site provides information on a full range of Federal and mainstream housing programs and policies that can expand affordable housing for people with disabilities and who may be homeless. The site also features a newsletter, and links to other sites.

Corporation for Supportive Housing www.csh.org
This site includes links to local programs, a legislative action center, a resources page, and a contacts list. Publications are available online, as well as information on supportive housing initiatives.

HomeBase: Center for Common Concern www.homebaseccc.org
The purpose of this site is to end homelessness, prevent its recurrence, and decrease its effect on communities. The approach is twofold: identifying and analyzing the causes of homelessness and developing and implementing long-term solutions that remove these causes.