U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Improving Access to Mainstream Services for People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness, Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, May 20-22, 2003



The contract for support of the Homeless Policy Academies contains funding for the provision of technical assistance (TA) to States to further augment their activities in building a three-year State Action Plan to Combat Homelessness.

Technical assistance will be made available to States, post-Academy, for a wide variety of TA to assist them in moving ahead and finalizing their Homeless Strategic Plans. This may entail actions by the Policy Academy support contractor to provide consultants, facilitators, experts, materials, advice, guidance, and possible on-site visits to assist in this process.

States may, at their discretion, choose from the menu of listed activities, or reasonable alternatives. Such activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Development of a core set of resource materials for particular States.
  2. Written and Internet-based materials from Federal partners.
  3. Written and Internet-based materials from external agencies, foundations, and associations.
  4. Literature or Internet-based reviews, searches, or studies.
  5. Video/teleconferences with (or without) consultants.
  6. Peer-to-Peer TA/cross-training for integration of efforts to enhance planning.
  7. On-site TA with expert consultant(s) supplied by the Contractor, or as may be recommended by the State and approved by the Contractor.
  8. On-site facilitation of State team meetings for team building, action planning, and/or additional systems integration.
  9. Guidance on activities to educate public officials, stakeholders, or other key policymakers as to the importance of homelessness in the State and at the local level.

This technical assistance DOES NOT include funding for the provision of services to develop or initiate State-wide, regional or national campaigns, major studies, or large-scale public relations efforts related to homelessness issues. Any TA beyond the areas indicated above would be subject to special consideration of the Federal Policy Academy Workgroup. All technical assistance activities are contingent upon the availability of Federal funds.