Colorado Department of Human Services
Supportive Housing Council

Supportive Housing and Homeless Policy

Policy Statement

The Department, through its various divisions, will maximize and coordinate affordable supportive houising and homeless resources for its consumers including: veterans, homeless persons, older Americans, refugees, families and individuals on public assistance, emancipated youth, and persons with disabilities. The Department recognizes that access to affordable supportive housing meets the Department's organizational goal of enabling persons to live in stable and safe environments. Finally, coordinating supportive housing resources accross the many divisions within the Department will help stream line consumer access to appropriate housing and supportive services.

Purpose of Policy: The purpose of this policy is to create a structure that will assure cross-program coordination, integration, and direction as a means to meet the Department's mission to design and deliver quality services to improve the safety and independence of the people of Colorado. The lack of affordable housing affects the lives of a significant number of citizens in Colorado. Many persons in need of affordable housing are comsumers, or potentially eligible consumers, of the Department.

Four Point Strategic Plan

Goal I: Reauthorize the Supportive Housing Council by giving it the authority to oversee the implementation of the Department of Human Services Housing & Homeless (SHHP) policy.

Goal II: Involve appropriate DHS divisions/units in implementing the H & H policy.

Goal III: The Department of Human Services will address the needs of its homeless consumers by taking responsibility for planning, policy development, administration, and coordination of activities related to homeless service delivery through appropriate program areas.

Goal IV: Maximize and expand current housing & homeless related resources for consumers in the Department.

Implementing the Strategic Plan

Members of the Supportive Housing and Homeless Council will be working with the various divisions and units within the Department to implement the Department's strategic plan.

  • One task that each affected program area will be asked to complete is to include details in their annual planning documents on how they intend to address the affordable housing and homeless needs of their consumers.
  • For more detailed information regarding the strategic plan, please either contact your council representative or see out web site at