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Bring Back the Constitution!

1. Separation of church and state.
2. Free speech.
3. Right to be secure "in our persons and effects".
4. Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, so long as we infringe on no on else's same rights.
5. Right to bear arms.
6. Right to a speedy trial.

7. Respect for other sovereign nations.


These rights are clear and not to be violated.

What have we become? What are we without these things? Why are they termed "ambiguous"?

What would Jefferson think of us now?

Are we the United States of the Federal Reserve? Its lackeys, thinking we are making any difference with all this political stuff?
7 Comments  »  Posted by Angroid to Economy, Education, Energy and Environment, Foreign Policy, Veterans, Additional Issues on 1/12/2009 7:01 PM


1/12/2009 7:14 PM
I agree, Seperation of Church and State is somewhat a mis
represented statement. The founding Fathers made it clear
that the State should never interfer in the church.

The right to own and bear arms is a right to protect us from
the government that we elect. Our founding fathers knew at
sometime in the history of this great nation it would have to
defend against the government that is suppose to be serving
the public.  Thomas Jefferson said it very clearly.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with
the blodd of patriots and tyrants." It is as natural as manure."

Out of the Federal Reserve and back on the Gold Standard
1/12/2009 10:20 PM
I have never heard a positve comment about the Federal Reserve Bank
The Progressive Logic Guy
1/13/2009 12:40 PM

Atheists Against Punishment

Nothing in the Constitution says that prohibited behavior must be punished.  That is a religious theory.  Our criminal justice system is an Old Testament institution.  It not only violates humane feeling and social science knowledge, it violates our First Amendment.  Precisely because “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” the punishment-based criminal justice system must go.  A system based on scientific knowledge about rehabilitation must replace it.  (See Progressive Logic, Chapter Four.)

1/13/2009 3:49 PM
 Mike said "the State should never interfer(e) in the church."

It needs to be said that Church needs to not interfere it the operation of the government. Don't try to make the government force your beliefs on others. If you don't agree with something, don't do it. Don't agree with abortions? Here is a hint... Don't get one.

1/13/2009 5:24 PM
There is nothing as insulting to the right of free speech as "free speech zones", where political opinion is incarcerated.

Fenced-in "free speech zones" should be outlawed. The entire U.S. is our free speech zone.
1/13/2009 6:38 PM
I don't necessarily agree that the right to bear arms is appropriate.  We are no longer a nation in which everyone needs to go hunting to put food on their tables.  And, as far as being able to protect the home, having a gun in the home is quite possibly more harmful than helpful
1/13/2009 7:00 PM
The reason this provision about bearing arms is in the Constitution is clearly elaborated in other documents. A country where only the military and police are armed scared the dickens out of the Founding Fathers of this country...and frankly, the prospect scares me, too.

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