U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Improving Access to Mainstream Services for "Chronically" Homeless Persons, Including Individuals with Serious Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Problems, Hyatt Harborside, Boston, Massachusetts, April 9-11, 2002

Action Plan Timeline

Planning Steps Purpose Time Allocated
Before the Academy
Time Allocated During the Academy

Formulating the Vision
Where you want to be.

  • Confirm the State team's consensus on it's vision of a preferred future for healthcare for homeless
  • Refine desired outcome/results to be achieved

Identifying the Reality
Where you are now.

  • Confirm the team's understanding of the current array of policies and programs in the State and local communities
  • Review strengths and weaknesses, gaps and needs, and threats and opportunities.

Establishing Team Priorities/Goals

  • Consider the likely scenarios of the future;
  • Determine what the State wants to accomplish in the next six months
  • Determine criteria for measuring progress on goals, including interim benchmarks

Developing Strategies with Potential

  • Determine how you will achieve goals
  • Identify potential barriers and options to overcome
  • Identify current and future opportunities
  • Refine desired outcome/results to be achieved

Creating Action Steps

  • Determine specific actions to be taken when you go back home
  • Include action steps to build support among stakeholders
  • Determine timelines
  • Assign responsibilities.