U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Improving Access to Mainstream Services for "Chronically" Homeless Persons, Including Individuals with Serious Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Problems, Hyatt Harborside, Boston, Massachusetts, April 9-11, 2002

Slide 1:

HUD’s McKinney-Vento Programs:
Moving Towards Ending Chronic Homelessness

John Garrity
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Special Needs Assistance Program

Slide 2:

Continuum of Care

This slide shows the flow through the continuum of care from outreach intake assesment through to permanent housing or permanent supportive housing. The paths are as follows:

  • Outreach intake assesment to emergency shelter:
    • to permanent housing or permanent supportive housing; or
    • to transitional housing to permanent housing or permanent supportive housing; or
    • to transitional housing to supportive services to permanent supportive housing.

Slide 3:

Establish a Community Process

  • Organizational Structure
  • Inclusive Participation
  • All Subpopulations
  • Year Round Process
  • Active Involvement of All

Slide 4:

This slide shows an image with several items pointed towards the center which reads, "Planning/Coordinating Councils." The items are as follows:

  • Veterans Services
  • Mental Illness
  • Faith-based Organizations
  • Housing Developers
  • Service Providers
  • Homeless Persons
  • Neighborhood Groups
  • Local and State Government
  • Foundations
  • Business

Slide 5:

Developing A Comprehensive System

  • Address All Sub-populations:
    • Veterans
    • Persons living with mental illness
    • Persons living with HIV/AIDS
    • Substance abusers
    • Victims of domestic violence
    • Other

Slide 6:

Gaps and Priorities

Need - Current Inventory = Continuum of Care Gaps

Slide 7:

Set Priorities for Funding

  • Develop Projects Based on Gaps
  • Prioritize Projects
  • Rational Process
    • Use Criteria
    • Ensure Fairness
    • Include Nonprofits

Slide 8:

Supplemental Resources

  • Leverage HUD Project Funding
  • Secure Mainstream Funding
    • Other HUD
    • Other Federal
    • State and Local
    • Private, Foundation

Slide 9:

What We Know About Continuum of Care

  • Over 90% of the US population covered
  • Responsible for the development of over 155,000 total beds
  • Of those, 43,000 are permanent housing beds
  • Has helped over 400,000 formerly homeless individuals and families obtain either transitional or permanent housing
  • Annually leverages nearly $2 in non-McKinney Act money for each $1 awarded in the Continuum of Care competition

Slide 10:

2002 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

  • $950 million
  • Applications expected from 450 Continuums of Care
  • Applicants will propose 3,500-4,000 projects

Slide 11:

The NOFA is a vehicle to effect change

  • Overall changes for 2002:
    • less emphasis on process
    • more emphasis on ending chronic homelessness
    • more emphasis on linking to mainstream supportive services

Slide 12:

Overall changes for 2002: (cont’d)

  • more emphasis on housing
  • more emphasis on performance

Slide 13:

Each Continuum of Care Must Provide:

  • A system-wide strategy to:
    • identify eligible homeless persons
    • enroll them in each mainstream service program for which they are eligible
    • ensure they receive benefits

Slide 14:

Each Project Applicant Must Provide:

  • A plan that ensures all clients are assisted to:
    • identify mainstream programs for which they are eligible
    • enroll them in those programs
    • ensure they obtain benefits

Slide 15:

Mainstream Programs Targeted

  • Medicaid
  • TANF
  • SSI
  • State CHIP
  • Workforce Investment Act
  • Food Stamps
  • Veterans Health Care

Slide 16:

Actions Suggested for Applicants

  • Case managers accompany clients in making application
  • Formal service agreements between providers and local mainstream program offices
  • Single intake form to determine eligibility
  • Train mainstream staff to do outreach
  • Mobile-support teams