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Marine Minerals Program

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    Colleen Finnegan

    OMM Web Team


Photograph of offshore inspectors.Photograph of a seabird.Photograph of an ice island.Photograph of a fish.Photograph of a platform at sunset.Photograph of fish feeding beneath a platform.Photograph of a welder working on an offshore platform.
 Sand and Gravel Program
arine Mineral Projects

Photo of beach dredging in progress.Since 1995, MMS has issued more than 23 leases that have conveyed over 30 million cubic yards of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) sand for beach nourishment and other coastal restoration projects. More than 100 miles of the Nation’s coastline in five states and billions of dollars of coastal infrastructure has been protected. For example, imminent breaching of several barrier islands was prevented by the rapid placement of OCS sand because all necessary geological and environmental information had already been gathered. Many of these were emergency projects that used sand that was previously identified by the MMS through its cooperative program with coastal states. At the Dam Neck Naval Facility alone, the Navy has estimated that almost $100 million of training and housing facilities has been protected from storm damage by the placement of OCS sand.

The legal authority for the issuance of negotiated noncompetitive leases for OCS sand and gravel is give by Section 8(k) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA). Public Law 103-426, enacted in 1994, allows the MMS to convey, on a noncompetitive basis, the rights to OCS sand, gravel, or shell resources funded in whole, part, or authorized by the Federal Government.

In 1992, MMS began working cooperatively with coastal states to locate and evaluate sand deposits in Federal waters with potential for use in beach nourishment projects. In 2005, due to funding cuts the state co-op program was discontinued, However, today the MMS Sand and Gravel program is involved in more marine mineral leases than ever before and is seeing an increase in the requests for OCS sand as sand in state waters continues to be depleted.

     Summary of Leases Issued by the MMS Marine Minerals Program
         (March 2008)

     Maps of Leased Borrow Areas to Date (Mapped By Region)

Ongoing Marine Mineral Requests


Borrow Area

Amount Requested (cu. Yds)

Start Year

What will be Accomplished?


Ocean View Beach

Federal Waters West of Ocean Beach



Beach Restoration and Infrastructure Protection


Pelican Island

Sandy Point SE Area



Barrier Island Restoration

Whiskey Island

Ship Shoal Area



Barrier Island Restoration

Raccoon Island

Offshore Buried Channel Deposits



Barrier Island Restoration

South Carolina

North Myrtle Beach

Little River Beach Area



Beach Restoration and Infrastructure Protection

Myrtle Beach

Cane South Beach Area



Beach Restoration and Infrastructure Protection

Surfside Beach

Surfside Beach Area



Beach Restoration and Infrastructure Protection


Sandbridge Beach

Sandbridge Shoal



Beach Restoration and Infrastructure Protection






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Last Updated: 12/03/2008, 12:25 PM

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