United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Memphis VA Medical Center

Returning Combat Veterans - Focus Groups

Conference room table. VAMC Memphis conducts quarterly focus (discussion) groups to seek the feedback of returning combat veterans and their family members regarding services offered by the VAMC Memphis and the Veterans Health Administration.

Frequently Asked Questions

To assist those unable to attend our quarterly focus groups, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. 

  • Q: What type of programs does the VA in Memphis have for those who are experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
    • A: The VA Medical Center in Memphis offers a variety of programs for individuals experiencing PTSD.  Those include both outpatient offerings and residential programming. While outpatient classes typically meet weekly for a defined period of time, the residential program offers six-weeks of daily programming. In both outpatient and residential settings evidenced-based treatments are the core of programming including Cognitive Processing Therapy, which is a trauma-focused protocol. Also offered are classes focusing on PTSD Basics, Stress Reduction, Anger Management, Sleep Hygiene, Medication Management, Diet and Exercise, Spirituality, Recreation Therapy, and Multi-Family groups.
  • Q: How does a veteran begin receiving care at the VA Memphis?
    • A: A veteran will need to complete and submit an application for enrollment, Form VA 10-10EZ.
  • QWho should I contact at the VA Medical Center at Memphis if I'm an Operation Enduring/Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) veteran?
    • A: Call the OEF/OIF Program Office at (901) 577-7319 and ask to speak with Nancy Withers, Program Manager, or Patrick Kennedy and Joe Campbell, Transition Patient Advocates.
  • Q: Can anyone visit me at home because I can't get to the VA Memphis? 
    • A: Transition Patient Advocates, Patrick Kennedy or Joe Campbell will make home visits.
  • Q: Why do I need to receive my care at the main VA in Memphis when I live in Jonesboro?
    • A: The main VA Medical Center in Memphis has three (3) OEF/OIF primary care doctors who specialize in caring for OEF/OIF veterans.  Those providers are located at the main facility and at the North and South Clinics.
  • Q: Is there someone who can organize all my appointments because I live so far away and gas is so expensive?
    • A: When making appointments, the staff will try to make them on the same day.  However, since some clinics meet only on certain days, this may not always be possible.
  • Q: What about travel pay?  I live so far away, is there any way I can get some help with my expenses getting to the VA?
    • A:  If you meet certain income requirements you may be eligible for travel pay.
  • Q: I have PTSD and have difficulty getting to the VA because of the distance.  I also can't stand to drive in traffic.  What can you do for me? 
    • A: The VA has a fee-base plan that you may be eligible for.  To qualify, you would need to discuss these concerns with your OEF/OIF primary care doctor.
  • Q: I heard that there are some groups that are available for veterans who have PTSD.  What is available, how can I join the groups, and where are they offered?
    • A: The VA offers a variety of groups and programs to assist returning OEF/OIF veterans with readjustment issues.  Help is available to veterans who are experiencing problems related to PTSD, sleeping, anger, constant stress, and alcohol abuse.  Discuss issues that you are having with your primary care provider who will make the appropriate referral to ensure your needs are met.  To learn more about the program, contact the OEF/OIF Program Office at (901) 577-7319 and speak with a program representative.
  • Q: Who can help me with my claim issues for service connection?
    • A: Transition patient advocates are available to assist you.  They will be able to direct you to the right person to find answers regarding the status of your claim.

Contact Information

If you have questions about our quarterly focus groups, please contact our Operation Iraqi Freedom / Operation Enduring Program Office at 901-577-7319 and ask to speak with Nancy Withers, Program Manager, or Patrick Kennedy and Joe Campbell, Transition Patient Advocates.

Previous Group Minutes

PDF Document March 25, 2008
PDF Document December 14, 2007

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