JO 7210.3V
Effective Date:
February 14, 2008
Subject:  Facility Operation and Administration

Includes Change 1 Effective July 31, 2008

Part 1.  BASIC

Chapter 5.  Special Flight Handling

Section 1.  Presidential Aircraft

5-1-1. Advance Coordination 5-1-5. Movement Information
5-1-2. Monitoring the Presidential Aircraft Flight 5-1-6. Coordination
5-1-3. Use of FAA Communications Circuits 5-1-7. Rescue Support Aircraft
5-1-4. Security of Information

Section 2.  FAA Aircraft

5-2-1. Identifying Department of Transportation (DOT) and FAA Flights 5-2-3. High Altitude Inspections
5-2-2. Flight Inspection Aircraft 5-2-4. Research and Development Flights

Section 3.  DOE and Other Aircraft

5-3-1. Department of Energy (DOE) Flights 5-3-5. Due Regard Operations
5-3-2. Identification of Special DOE Flights 5-3-6. Weather Reconnaissance Flights
5-3-3. Notification of DOE Reported Accident/Unreported Aircraft 5-3-7. Open Skies Treaty Aircraft
5-3-4. Atmosphere Sampling for Nuclear Contamination

Section 4.  Other Flight Requests

5-4-1. Requests for Deviation from Transponder Requirements 5-4-5. Certifying Record Attempts
5-4-2. Crop Duster/Antique Aircraft 5-4-6. Photogrammetric Flights
5-4-3. Flight Test Operations 5-4-7. Aerobatic Practice Areas
5-4-4. Sanctioned Speed Records


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