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Boston University

Grant Title: MCPH Leadership Education Program at BUSPH

View Boston University Project Web Site

Project Director(s):

Milton  Kotelchuck, Ph.D., MPH
School of Public Health
715 Albany Street, T5W
Boston, MA 02118-2526
(617) 414-1467
Email: mkotelch@bu.edu


The BUSPHLeadership Education in MCPH Program seeks to ensure the health of women, children and their families through comprehensive leadership training, advancing MCH research and dissemination, and providing CE/TA to our practice partners, emphasizing cultural competence and family centeredness.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1: Offer a full spectrum of education programs to prepare students for MCH practice and leadership. Objective 1: Recruit, enroll and graduate at least 125 MPH students, with at least 30% of students from underserved communities (Year 5). Objective 2: Expand the DrPH Program, enroll 15 DrPH MCH students, graduate 4, and implement 4 MCH doctoral-level MCH courses (yr 5). Goal 2: Become a national center for MCH science research, training, dissemination. Objective 1: Enhance student research training and productivity by demonstrating MCH research leadership among at least 30% of alumni at 5 years post graduation (yr. 5). Objective 2: Disseminate research findings to diverse academic and practice audiences through 10 peer review publications and 20 research presentations (annually). Goal 3: Increase the capacity of the MCH workforce through partnerships with Title V and MCH-related community and professional partnerships. Objective 1: Implement at least 50 continuing education, 70 technical assistance and consultation activities to build the capacity of the MCH workforce (annually). Objective 2: Convene meetings of all Title V directors and designated staff in Region I (annually). Goal 4: Increase cultural competence among MCH students and the MCH workforce through educational, leadership and research activities. Objective 1: Enhance the Department’s capacity to address cultural competence throughout the MCH Training Program with a goal of increasing PM #11 to 25 (yr. 5). Objective 2: Initiate & enroll 8 students in new Fellowship in Cultural Competence Leadership (yr 5). Goal 5: Implement family-centered education, research and practice activities throughout the Training Program. Objective 1: Incorporate a family-centered perspective throughout the MCH curriculum and training program with a goal of increasing PM # 7 to at least 13. Objective 2: Initiate and enroll 8 students in new Fellowship in Family Centered Leadership (yr.5).


The program will implement the objectives through innovative actions such as: (Goal 1): Establish a “Peer Mentor Program” for students of color; increase student support for disadvantaged students. (Goal 2): Develop a research strategic plan for the Department; hire one new research oriented full-time faculty member; support up to 4 MCH Fellowships in Research Leadership; (Goal 3): Conduct a bi-annual review of all Department activities with organizational partners and address gaps; assure the evolution of 2 new partnerships to stage III collaborations; work with Region 1 Title V directors to plan and implement annual regional meetings. (Goals 4 & 5): Develop and administer cultural competence and family-centered care surveys to all MCH students; add at least 1 cultural competence and 1 family-centered care learning objective to each MCH course; develop and implement a new MCH elective course on the health of vulnerable and disadvantaged families; require all students to address cultural competence and family-centered care in their culminating experience papers; establish partnerships with 2 family organizations and identify parent consultants to provide input to Department activities.


- MDPH – collaborative partners in training, research and CE/TA - BPHC – collaborative partners in training, research and CE/TA - MA Consortium on CYSHCN (Family Initiative Project) – family-centered partnership - Region I Title V agencies – partners/members of Leadership Education Advisory Board - Boston Reach 2010 Coalition – partnership with grassroots organization working to reduce racial disparities in women’s and perinatal health


The evaluation will be conducted in three ways: 1)formative evaluation, allowing for ongoing management capacity feedback for purposes of program improvement; 2)outcome evaluation to track the objective targeted outcome measures; and 3)enhancement of the Department’s current management information system to provide objective information on students, alumni, partnerships and faculty productivity. This evaluation system will allow for annual completion of MCHB tables and performance measures.

Experience to Date:

The BUSPH MCPH Training grant has been successfully implemented this past year; progress has been achieved towards meeting all five of its major goals. Goal One: The MCH Department graduated 33 MPH and 8 Certificate Program students this past year (27% students from underserved communities). We substantially increased student scholarship funding and instituted a new MCH Leadership Fellows program (supporting 10 Fellows). Goal Two: The Department enhanced its capacity to be an MCH science research and dissemination center. MCH faculty received 3 new research grants and published 9 peer-reviewed papers. Goal Three: The Training grant strengthened the capacity of the MCH workforce through extensive Technical Assistance (3070 hours across 89 projects) and 55 CE presentations to 4597 participants. The Department hosted a major Region One Title V conference on “The Impact of Inequalities in Birth Outcomes.” Goal Four: The Training grant further enhanced Cultural Competence activities in the Department and School (through Cultural Competence Leadership Fellows, disparities research, and a planned new MCH health disparities course). Goal Five: The Training grant fostered an innovative Departmental family centered education initiative (through faculty and student family-centered education surveys; employment of a paid consultant; and Family-Centered Leadership Fellows). This Training grant supports the achievement of the 6 MCHB National MCH Training Strategic Goals.