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Trustees of Boston University

Grant Title: MCH Knowledge to Practice

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Project Director(s):

Lois  McCloskey, Ph.D.
Trustees of Boston University, Maternal and Child Health School of Public Health
715 Albany Street, Ste. 528W
Boston, MA 02118-2394
(617) 638-5882
Email: loism@bu.edu


Title V programs are increasingly expected to provide conceptual leadership to MCH stakeholders but lack systematic access to cutting-edge knowledge on MCH issues and strategies. NE-KtoP will address that need. Intra and interstate learning will be central to this process; state priorities and national MCH objectives will determine content.

Goals and Objectives:

NE-KtoP will be implemented by the Boston University School of Public Health Department of Maternal and Child Health (BUMCH) in collaboration with Region I Title V programs. NE-KtoP outcome objectives address short-term changes in attitudes and knowledge of state participants in annual one-day learning sessions, longer-term changes in the practice of Title V programs and their partners in each state around learning session topics and dissemination of NE-KtoP lessons to national stakeholders.

Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1. Maximize the extent to which Region I MCH programs and policies are grounded in current MCH science. • 75% of state team participants will report enhanced knowledge and understanding around the topic selected as the NE-KtoP focus following each year’s learning session as measured by pre and post surveys. • Five out of six state Title V leaders will report at least one new program or policy innovation reflecting new commitment and/or knowledge around the topic selected as the NE-KtoP focus during a six-month follow-up interview. Goal 2. Enhance leadership capacity of Region I Title V programs in relation to family-centered and culturally competent knowledge and practice and the infusion of a strengths-based approach into Title V programs and policies. • 75% of state team participants will be able to identify at least one strategy to apply MCH principles to the topic selected for each year’s learning session as measured by post learning session surveys. • Five out of six state Title V leaders will be able to identify at least 3 changes in practice reflecting NE-KtoP focus on broad MCH principles at the end of the NE-KtoP project as measured in a summative evaluation survey. Goal 3. Promote Region I readiness to move beyond 2010, by instilling a lasting approach of collaborative learning and mutual assistance among states. • At least five out of six Region I Title V directors will be able to identify at least one example of ongoing interstate collaboration and/or collaboration with BUMCH at the end of the NE-KtoP project as measured in a summative evaluation survey. Goal 4. Enhance capacity to translate MCH knowledge to practice nationally. • An article reporting the implications of the NE-KtoP experience for national training efforts will be published in an appropriate peer reviewed journal. • An abstract based on the NE-KtoP experience will be accepted for presentation at least one national meeting.


NE-KtoP annual activities will start with the meeting of a regional leadership/advisory group and proceed to implementation and evaluation of a regional learning session. Intervening activities will be carried out by a planning group led by BUMCH. This planning group will be reconvened each year with new members selected by Title V leaders to assure optimal planning while nurturing new state leadership. Each planning group will a) identify and recruit state teams, b) identify and engage speakers, c) plan the learning session agenda, d) define and finalize workshop exercises and plenary discussions around the learning session topic, e) refine evaluation questions related to each year’s learning session topic. BUMCH will convene this group, organize and host the learning session, draft materials outlined by each year’s planning group and disseminate packets to participants prior to each learning session. Following each year’s learning session, states will have the option to obtain technical assistance from one another or from BUMCH to promote uptake of knowledge presented at the session. In addition to these annual activities, BUMCH will carry out activities to build MCH regional learning capacity. In Year 3 it will draft a journal article reviewing NE-KtoP objectives and outcomes and submit an abstract for presentation of findings to a relevant national group. The strategy proposed for NE-KtoP is both cost effective and replicable. It uses a standardized approach, relying on intra and interstate learning along with access to national leaders, to bring state-of-the art learning to Title V practitioners. It also combines a focus on emerging issues identified as state priorities, with a focus across the three years on major MCH objectives related to cultural competence, family-centeredness, leadership skills. HP2010 Objectives: The 2010 Objectives addressed by NE-KtoP will depend on topics selected for learning sessions. Review of state MCH Block Grant priorities suggests the following as likely topics for the three sessions: • MCH mental health (related to Objective 6.2 and several Focus Area 18 objectives ) • MCH oral health (related to objectives in Focus Areas 16 and 21) • MCH fitness and activity (related to objectives in Focus Areas 16 and 22) • Early childhood health and safety (related to objectives in Focus Areas 8, 14, 15 and 16) • Adolescent health status and services (related to objectives in multiple Focus Areas).


NE-KtoP grows out of historical collaboration between BUMCH and Region I Title V programs. In addition to consultative relationships between individual BU faculty and states in the region, ties include participation of MCH leaders in the BU MCH Department Advisory Committee and collaboration over the past two year on planning and implementation of day-long training events which provide the model for the current proposal. This history reflects a strong regional commitment to science-based public health practice, and a strong commitment of the BU MCH Department to practice-focused learning. This proposal seeks to institutionalize those relationships and broaden them to include multiple MCH stakeholders across the region. It relies on ongoing, two-way communication between educators and practitioners for planning and implementation of proposed activities and state-to-state to state collaboration as one of its education strategies.


Principal Investigator Allen will be responsible for NE-KtoP process evaluation, using a rigorous workplan to monitor progress, identify problems early and institute midcourse corrections as needed. Outcome evaluation will be based on pre and post-session surveys of learning session participants and annual follow-up calls to state leaders. In the final year, participants will be resurveyed and in-depth interviews will be conducted with Title V directors.