National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology

The National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology at the University of Idaho is a center of excellence for transportation research, education and technology transfer in the state of Idaho, the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain regions, and in the United States.

We invite you to explore our Website to learn more about our research, graduate and undergraduate opportunities, and the people who work with and for us. Please contact us if you would like additional information about our programs.


The Federal Highway Administration has made a major shift in its role in microsimulation modeling of traffic flow. While previously supporting the development of the CORSIM model, FHWA is now focusing its resources on the development of core driver behavior algorithms and the supporting data sets representing driver behavior in a range of traffic environments.

The NGSIM program has identified a set of priority algorithms for arterial operations that are yet to be developed. These algorithms include starting/stopping behavior and permitted left turns at signalized intersections

Researchers at NIATT are working to develop new insights on the operation of traffic along arterials, particularly driver behavior at the beginning and end of green. The project is using high resolution data sets from California, George, and Idaho to develop improved algorithms for the starting and stopping of queues at signalized intersections. This project supports the FHWA’s goals of reaching out to the university community in general to support FHWA’s research program and specifically to support FHWA’s NGSIM program.



Congratulations to Guillermo Madrigal who will be honored as NIATT's student-of-the-year at the 87th Annual meeting of the Council of University Transportation Centers in Washington, DC, on January 12, 2008.

Guillermo gained experience in transportation engineering in New York, working with a group of 25 men and women from Parsons Brinkerhoff overseeing construction of the Third Avenue bridge; and with FHWA in Boston, MA, working on the "Big Dig."



Jan-Mou Li
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Civil Engineering

Research interests

  • Optimization
  • System modeling
  • System evaluation
  • ITS
  • Traffic assignment
  • Choice Behavior

Jan-Mou received his PhD from the University of Tennessee. Read more about Jan-Mou in the current issue of NIATT's Technovations in Transportation.




National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology

University of Idaho
115 Engineering Physics Building
Moscow, ID 83844-0901
Phone:  (208) 885-0576
Fax:      (208) 885-2877

University of Idaho
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