OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
   Current Section

2003 News from RSA

blue flag bulletRSA Releases Evaluation of the Projects With Industry Program
In October 2000, Research Triangle Institute (RTI) initiated an evaluation of the Projects With Industry (PWI) program under a contract with the U.S. Department of Education. The broad purpose of the evaluation was to examine the role and performance of the PWI program as one component of the broader set of employment-related services available to individuals with disabilities.
(December 22, 2003)

blue flag bulletRSA Releases Evaluation of the Centers for Independent Living Program
This study conducted by CESSI with assistance from WESTAT reports on a national evaluation of federally funded Centers for Independent Living–consumer-directed non-profit agencies providing services and advocacy to individuals with significant disabilities, conducted during the years 2000-2002.
(December 2, 2003)

blue flag bulletStatement by U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige on October Being Recognized as National Disability Employment Awareness Month
The U.S. Department of Education is committed to increasing job opportunities for America's individuals with disabilities throughout the year, especially, during October—a month designated by President Bush as "National Disability Employment Awareness Month."
(October 14, 2003)

blue flag bulletRSA is a Partner in Upcoming Workforce Innovations Conference
OSERS' Rehabilitation Services Administration continues to assist the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (DOLETA) and other Federal Workforce Investment Act partners in promoting the Workforce Innovations Conference (WIC). This year, the conference will be held in Washington, D.C., from July 8-10, and will address the following themes:

  • Aligning Economic Development with Workforce Investment;
  • Integrating the Education System with Workforce Investment Services; and
  • Facilitating Employment through Effective One-Stop Services and Partnerships
The WIC is the nation's premier conference for America's workforce investment leaders, decision-makers and change agents. This is a unique opportunity to explore the links between workforce investment and economic development. For registration and hotel information, visit the WIC Web site or call (877) 883-1786.
(June 1, 2003)

blue flag bulletRSA Vocational Rehabilitation Financial Management Conference
The Rehabilitation Services Administration is pleased to announce that the 2003 National Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Financial Management Conference will be held August 4-6, 2003 (optional pre-conference session on August 3) at the Key Bridge Marriott Hotel, 1401 Lee Highway, Arlington, Virginia. This conference will cover a broad range of fiscal management issues related to the administration of the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Programs. The theme of this year's conference is "Managing Your Vocational Rehabilitation Program's Fiscal Challenges."

For registration information, contact:

The George Washington University
Regional Rehabilitation Continuing Education Program
2011 Eye Street N.W., Suite 300
Washington, DC 20052

Phone: (202) 973-1550
Fax: (202) 775-0053
TTY: (202) 973-1544
E-mail: fbutler@gwu.edu
Web site: www.gwu.edu/~rrce p
Brochure: Word | PDF

(May 8, 2003)

blue flag bulletNational Forum of the Twenty-Ninth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues
RSA is pleased to announce that the National Forum of the Twenty-ninth Institute on Rehabilitation Issues (IRI) was held on May 5 and 6, 2003, at the Washington Marriott Hotel, 1221 22nd Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

The two draft publications discussed at this year's Forum are entitled "Promoting Consumer Empowerment through Professional VR Counseling" and "Teaching Orientation and Mobility Professionals: Non-Traditional Approaches to Meet Critical Staffing Shortages." IRI publications are widely used by rehabilitation professionals and other resources.

For information, visit The George Washington University Regional Rehabilitation Continuing Education Program (RRCEP) III Web site at: http://www.gwu.edu/~rrcep/National.htm or contact the RRCEP directly via E-mail at fbutler@gwu.edu, telephone at (202) 973-1550, TTY at (202) 973-1544, or FAX at (202) 775-0053.
(May 7, 2003)

blue flag bulletNational Rehabilitation Education Conference to be held in Washington, DC May 4-6
RSA is pleased to announce that the National Rehabilitation Education Conference will be held in Washington, DC May 4-6. Information on the conference, including a brochure with the tentative agenda, can be found at the following web site: http://www.gwu.edu/~rrcep/National.htm#
(March 17, 2003)

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Last Modified: 03/20/2008