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Select Bibliography on mass deacidification

Battin, P. (1991). The silent books of the future: Initiatives to save yesterday’s literature for tomorrow. Logos 2(1) p. 11-17.

Brant, A.C. (1992). Mass deacidification of paper: A comparative study of existing processes. Paris, Bibliothéque Nationale. Translated by Peter Thomas.

Buchanan, S. et al (1994). An Evaluation of the Bookkeeper Mass Deacidification Process. Technical Evaluation Team Report for the Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress. Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Dalrymple, W. (1997). A paper chase: Technology helps library save its collections on paper. Library of Congress Information Bulletin 56, p. 148-151.

De Stefano, P. (1994). New York state combines mass deacidification with rebinding. Conservation Administration News #58/59 p. 22-24.

Frieder, R. (1991). Mass deacidification: Now that it is a reality, what next? IFLA Journal 17(2) p. 142-146.

Grimed, J, (1994). Mass deacidification: Universal cure or limited solution? American Archivist 57 p. 674-679.

Havermans, J. et al. (1995). Mass deacidification of archival materials using diethyl zinc. Restaurator 16, p.123-142.

Havermans, J. (1997) Deacidification using the Bookkeeper process. TNO Institute of Industrial Technology, Netherlands (TNO-report No. BU2.97/009010-1/JH).

Kelly, G.B. (1987). Non-aqueous deacidification of books and paper. In (Petherbridge, G. ed): Conservation of Library and Archive Materials and the Graphic Arts. Butterworths, London, p. 117-123.

Liénardy, A. (1994). Evaluation of seven mass deacidification treatments. Restaurator 15(1), p. 1-25.

Middleton, S.R. et al. (1996). A method for the deacidification of papers and books. Tappi Journal 79(11) p. 187-195

Porck, H. (1996). Mass deacidification: An update on possibility and limitations. The Commission on Preservation and Access, October.

Report (1991). A roundtable on mass deacidification. Sparks P.G. (ed.) Report on a meeting held September 12-13, 1991 in Andover, Massachusetts. Sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries and the Northeast Document Conservation Center.

Report (1992). Mass deacidification: A report to the library directors. Committee on Institutional Cooperation Task Force on Mass Deacidifiction, April.

Report (1996). Report on a Joint Library of Congress – Preservation Technologies, Inc. Initiative to Enhance the ‘Bookkeeper’ Mass Deacidification Process. Library of Congress Preservation Directorate, Washington, DC (February newsletter).

Stroud, J. (1994). The HRHRC diethyl zinc mass deacidification project: A brief report. Conservation Administration News 57, p. 7-8.

Vallas, P. (1993). Mass deacidification at the Bibliothéque Nationale (Sablé-sur-Sarthe Center): Assessment after two years of operations (late 1992). Restaurator 14, p. 1-10.

Wittekind, J. (1994). The battelle mass deacidification process: A new method of deacidifying books and archival materials. Restaurator 15, p. 189-207.

Yasue, A. (1997). From myth to science: Mass deacidification technology re-examined. IFLA Journal 23(3), 176-179.

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