Chapter 4. Route Planning


    Freezing levels at or near the surface can be expected at any time of year over the NAT Region. The dangers of airframe and/or engine icing must always be taken into account, so be prepared to wait for favorable conditions. If you have to fly when there is a threat of icing, keep clear of clouds. Remember, as a general rule, the freezing level should be 3,000 feet AGL or higher to allow for ridding the aircraft of ice, if necessary.

    Commonly Flown Routes

    The most frequently flown NAT routes from Canada are as follows:

      1. Iqaluit, Sondestrom, FW28, Kulusuk, 65N/ 30W. Xray, Keflavik, 61N/1234W, Stornoway, Prestwick

      2. Iqaluit, Godthaab, FW47, Kulusuk, 65N/30W, Xray, Keflavik, 61N/1234W, Stornoway, Prestwick

      3. Goose Bay, Loach, 59N50W, SI-Narsarsuaq, 62N/40W, 63N/30W, Uniform, Keflavik, 61N/1234W, Stornoway, Prestwick

      4. Goose Bay, Loach, 58N/50W, OZN, 61N/40W, 63N/30W Uniform, Keflavik, 61N/1234W, Stornoway, Prestwick

      5. Gander, 5414N/50W, OZN, 61N/40W, 63N/30W, Uniform, Keflavik, 61N/1234W, Stornoway, Prestwick

      6. Gander, 50N/50W, 52N/40W, 53N/30W, 53N/20W, 53N/15W, UN530, Shannon

      7. St. John's, G/C Flores, Santa Maria

Chapter 5, Flight Planning

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