Surfing for Suvival Secrets? 

From Winter Storms to Wildfire:

Release Date: March 1, 2000
Release Number: R10-00-24

» 2000 Region X News Releases

SEATTLE, Wash. -- Pick your disaster: Volcanic lava, ash storms and lahars; earthquake and tsunamis; avalanche; tornadoes, winter storms and floods...even wildfire and mudslides--they're online, at With the click of a mouse, browsers can prioritize hazards and find affordable mitigation measures and emergency preparedness tips. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) web site is updated daily, and includes fresh audio from federal, state, and local agency officials with the latest on federal disasters, emergency programs, and weather updates. Daily audio clips are posted from the FEMA Radio Network (FRN) and digital photographs and even fresh video tracks major disaster activity across the Nation.

"FRN Online allows us to post real-time disaster updates within hours of recording the FEMA Radio Network newsfeed," says FEMA regional director David L. de Courcy. "Internet users can access real-time news 'as it happens,' in the original words of disaster officials and program experts."

Additional "electronic" preparedness information is available through FEMA's 24-hour FAX-on-Demand service, at (202) 646-FEMA, and a variety of printed material, including brochures, pamphlets and emergency preparedness checklists is available through local emergency management offices and local chapters of the American Red Cross.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 18-Nov-2003 13:02:42