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  • 810
    As a country we were shocked to learn of the conditions that existed at the Walter Reed VA facility. It turns out that these conditions are not shocking at all. Veterans who depend on these services tell story upon story of the inadequate care, un-kept hospitals, struggles to qualify for care, and endless paper work that impedes care. We owe them more.As a country we were shocked to learn of the conditions that existed at the Walter Reed VA facility. It turns out that these conditions are not shocking at all. Veterans who depend on these services tell story upon story of the inadequate care, un-kept hospitals, struggles to qualify for care, and endless paper work that impedes care. We owe them more.
  • 1740
    A rash of wounded soldiers are coming home with life-changing injuries only to find that the government now expects them to re-pay their signing bonus because they were injured too early in their service. How is this supporting our troops?
  • 970
    This must include veteran’s deployed soldiers in bordering countries to where Agent Orange was used, all veterans deployed in countries that Agent Orange was transported through, and any veterans affected by military tests of Agent Orange. As a nation, we continue to leave behind those who have given us their all and that is reprehensible.
  • 300
    Don’t ask, don’t tell is ineffective and prevents a portion of our military from thriving in their development as soldiers. A minute amount of research will show you that “gayness” is inherent to genetics NOT will OR choice. These men and women risk their lives for our freedom and yet we still think that it’s okay when we ask them to accept shame for a reality that is beyond their control. Our military is filled with intelligent individuals; if there are issues that complicate the fruition of equality in the military then I feel confident that our best and brightest will be able to resolve these issues with great success. “Be all you can be.” —that slogan summoned the best of our country and now I challenge our military to “Be all you can be.”
  • 810

    The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program has been providing near-term growth with long-term benefits for many years now. It is an established yet dynamic program created and administered by the federal government.

    Because the program administration and guidelines are already in place, an expansion of the program could be accomplished almost overnight, perhaps by merely generalizing a previous Executive Order (for example, 13329).

    Here are a few ideas on what/how to do:

    1)  Increase the funding, perhaps temporarily. This could be done by increasing the percentage and funding. Some federal government agencies are obligated to dedicate a two (2) percent of their research & development budgets to the SBIR program. An increase -- perhaps to five (5) or eight (8) percent – would have a significant positive outcome on the economy with the potential for long-term growth as well.

    2) Expand the scope of activities. The scope is currently limited to specific types of research activities.

    3) Expand the scope of organizations. There are many Government organizations that do not participate in the SBIR program at all. Some organizations currently participate in the SBIR program on a voluntarily basis (for example, the National Geospatial Agency is one such organization).

    4) Add funding for "matching" awards at the state and local levels.

    5) Support the re-authorization of the SBIR program by Congress (and embrace the newer, increased levels of the maximum awards).

  • 160
    This report should also include the ways in which we have increased our soldier’s responsibilities. Recently congress passed a New GI Bill that addresses some of the needs of our proud military through the education they have earned while serving our country. We must continue these traditions. Whether or not service is to be voluntary or mandatory in the future, understanding the need to make service beneficial to every participant is imperative.
  • 500
     Many veterans who do not find their help with PTSD(Post traumatic Stress Disorder) end up on the streets and look to help themselves with drugs and alcohol. I believe we need to change the idea of what mental health means to each of us. 
    All people have issues they can discuss with another. I say especially with veterans we talk about how important they are to us and then we treat them very poorly. We need to begin funding a more active role in counseling of our veterans and not give up on them when funding is low. Without the help of our country our veterans will not be able to deal with the issues that they deal with everyday.
    3 Comments »   Posted by daveypat to Health Care, Veterans on 1/12/2009 1:46 PM
  • 460
    I am a disabled Vietnam veteran and am getting pretty good care at an area Veterans hospital although I would say that they need more help, good professional civilian doctors and nurses, and I believe that one of the problems with the current VA hospital is that they ARE overloaded. Therefore, why not give the younger veterans Iraqi and Afhiganstan war veterans a card similar to Medicare that they could use at any doctors offices  or hospitals ? If analyzed we might find that this would even be less expensive that what we are currectly doing which is unsatisfactory. I also would like to see the young veterans compensation claims be processed faster.   
    2 Comments »   Posted by "Diamond Don" to Health Care, Veterans on 1/12/2009 2:10 PM
  • 150
    Estimates on the cost to America of untreated and unprevented substance abuse problems are as high as $540 billion per year. Yet among the first programs to be cut in this recession are prevention and treatment services. Research has consistently shown that treatment works, but resources for treatment in systems like criminal justice have never been invested at a level that would bring about measurable impact in the enormous cost of these systems to taxpayers. As part of the ARRP, please invest resources in a recovery support infrastructure in public health, criminal justice, and social services, and in edividence-based prevention - especially for youth - sufficient to at last turn the tide and stop the senseless waste of lives and money and human suffering that these problems create.
    4 Comments »   Posted by Alexb to Economy, Education, Health Care, Service, Veterans on 1/12/2009 2:52 PM
  • 90

    I know your plate is full, and the problems you are encountering are enormouse. But since Ford pardon Nixon and said lets move forward, what it did is it created contempt for the rule of law. Since then only those with out resources get punished. The laws of this country should extend to all and all the way up. I am hoping you will show that all will be procecuted and not only those who would be conciderd easy marks. Make me proud of the service I rendered for my country and that my oath to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was not just a ceremony. Make me feel that all who violate our laws and lie and put them selfs above them have no place to hide. Make me proud that I voted for you. Make all Americans feel and know the laws of this land will truely be enforced to all. Make me proud  to know that we are !ALL EQUAL UNDER THE LAWS OF OUR COUNTRY, and no one regardless of statue or position can be above it.
    Al Yacopi  USAF 1960-1968

    0 Comments »   Posted by Alflyfish to Veterans on 1/12/2009 2:54 PM
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