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North Carolina Reserve to Host EstuaryLive Program May 9th–11th

Feral ponies grazing at Rachel Carson NERR

EstuaryLive virtual field trips will bring North Carolina’s Rachel Carson Estuarine Research Reserve to classrooms across the state May 9 to 11—and the public is invited to tag along.

The online program transmits live images and sound from the estuary to elementary, middle and high school classrooms. Participating teachers can connect to the trips using an Internet–ready computer and free software. Registration is required to interact with the trip leaders, but anyone can watch and listen.

As teachers facilitate the trip, classes identify questions and submit them online to the estuary, where naturalists and scientists answer them. Class sessions are divided into grade levels and topics to provide the appropriate level of general estuarine education. Topics include estuaries, sea turtles, rip currents and invasive species.

EstuaryLive 2007 celebrates the 200th anniversary of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)—with sessions highlighting the work of NOAA offices and programs, including the National Estuarine Research Reserves, North Carolina Sea Grant, the National Weather Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the National Ocean Service.

Susan Lovelace, naturalist and education coordinator at the NC National Estuarine Research Reserve, reveals a new world to NC students.The field trips also will mark the 100th birthday of naturalist Rachel Carson. The reserve now bears Carson’s name because Beaufort was one of her favorite places to escape and conduct research. Carson, who died in 1964, would be 100 on May 27 of this year. To prepare for the EstuaryLive electronic field trips, teachers and students can use the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Estuary Discovery Kit for high schools.

For a schedule of programs and more information, visit EstuaryLive.

Related Documents and Links

NCCOS Centers’ Estuary pages

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