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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced


Attachment B

State Court Improvement Program
Total Annual Allotment $10,000,000

State FY 1999 Estimated Allotment FY 2000 Estimated Allotment FY 2001 Estimated Allotment
ALABAMA $176,478 $173,380 $173,380
ALASKA $100,897 $100,358 $100,358
ARIZONA $191,075 $187,482 $187,482
ARKANSAS $138,832 $137,009 $137,009
CALIFORNIA $827,811 $802,654 $802,654
COLORADO $170,337 $167,446 $167,446
CONNECTICUT $150,538 $148,318 $148,318
DELAWARE $99,885 $99,381 $99,381
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA $93,960 $93,657 $93,657
FLORIDA $373,237 $363,475 $363,475
GEORGIA $252,133 $246,472 $246,472
HAWAII $110,652 $109,783 $109,783
IDAHO $115,059 $114,041 $114,041
ILLINOIS $349,753 $340,786 $340,786
INDIANA $211,885 $207,588 $207,588
IOWA $146,708 $144,618 $144,618
KANSAS $143,168 $141,198 $141,198
KENTUCKY $167,519 $164,724 $164,724
LOUISIANA $186,811 $183,363 $183,363
MAINE $110,146 $109,294 $109,294
MARYLAND $190,424 $186,854 $186,854
MASSACHUSETTS $205,599 $201,514 $201,514
MICHIGAN $299,100 $291,849 $291,849
MINNESOTA $189,774 $186,226 $186,226
MISSISSIPPI $149,310 $147,132 $147,132
MISSOURI $203,142 $199,141 $199,141
MONTANA $104,582 $103,919 $103,919
NEBRASKA $122,646 $121,371 $121,371
NEVADA $121,418 $120,185 $120,185
NEW HAMPSHIRE $109,495 $108,666 $108,666
NEW JERSEY $246,786 $241,306 $241,306
NEW MEXICO $126,910 $125,490 $125,490
NEW YORK $465,077 $452,204 $452,204
NORTH CAROLINA $242,378 $237,048 $237,048
NORTH DAKOTA $99,163 $98,683 $98,683
OHIO $324,318 $316,213 $316,213
OKLAHOMA $159,353 $156,835 $156,835
OREGON $153,428 $151,111 $151,111
PENNSYLVANIA $325,547 $317,400 $317,400
PUERTO RICO N/A $194,742 $194,742
RHODE ISLAND $104,582 $103,919 $103,919
SOUTH DAKOTA $101,908 $101,336 $101,336
TENNESSEE $197,144 $193,346 $193,346
TEXAS $552,364 $536,536 $536,536
UTAH $144,252 $142,245 $142,245
VERMONT $97,212 $96,798 $96,798
VIRGINIA $224,169 $219,455 $219,455
WASHINGTON $207,260 $203,120 $203,120
WEST VIRGINIA $120,840 $119,626 $119,626
WISCONSIN $198,590 $194,742 $194,742
WYOMING $96,345 $95,960 $95,960
Total $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000

Allotments based on the statutory formula using census estimates as of 7/1/97


Attachment A:   Program Instruction ACYF-PI-94-12
Attachment C:   Standard Forms 424 and 424-A
Attachment D:   List of State Child Welfare Administrators
Attachment E:   List of ACF Regional Administrators


Center on Children and the Law, American Bar Association
National Center for State Courts, National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Permanency Planning for Children Department
National Center for Juvenile Justice