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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

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National Center for Juvenile Justice

The NATIONAL CENTER FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE (NCJJ), headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is the research division of the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JUDGES (NCJFCJ), based in Reno, NV. Since opening in 1973, NCJJ has established itself as a nationally-recognized research center that is responsive on a practical level to the concerns of the juvenile justice system. NCJJ can provide judges, juvenile court personnel, and child protective agencies with information and consultation services to remedy problems, or aid in the administration and effectiveness, of juvenile court processing of cases involving both delinquency and abuse/neglect. Specialty areas include:

For more information, please contact:

Gregg Halemba
National Center for Juvenile Justice
710 Fifth Avenue-Suite 3000
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-3000
phone 412-227-6950


Attachment A:   Program Instruction ACYF-PI-94-12
Attachment B:   Estimated State Court Allotments for FYs 1999-2001
Attachment C:   Standard Forms 424 and 424-A
Attachment D:   List of State Child Welfare Administrators
Attachment E:   List of ACF Regional Administrators


Center on Children and the Law, American Bar Association
National Center for State Courts National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Permanency Planning for Children Department