Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims: Policy Guidelines 

Release Date: December 4, 2000
Release Number: HQ-00-CG21

This document is produced by the Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims (OCGFC) to inform interested parties of the policy guidelines by which claims filed under the Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act, Public Law 106-246 (CGFAA) are being evaluated. However, a guideline by itself should not be construed as being the final determinative answer with respect to any particular aspect of a claim. Each claim must be resolved on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration each claimant's particular circumstances.

The guidelines include information about the type of items that may be eligible for compensation. However, a determination of eligibility will be based on the ability of an Authorized Official to reasonably determine, based upon the information submitted by the claimant and the Claims Reviewer, that a claimant did, in fact, suffer the loss in question and the extent of the loss suffered.

This document will be continually updated as additional policy guidelines are clarified or developed by the OCGFC. Updates in each new version of the document will be printed in bold-face type.

The policy guidelines are arranged in order of the subparts to the Interim Final Rule, 44 Code of Federal Regulations part 295, the regulations that implement the CGFAA.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 30-Dec-2003 16:56:37