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ARRL Products:
Technical, Electronics, and Communications Reference


Basic Radio - Understanding the Key Building Blocks -- FINALLY--an introduction to radio FOR EVERYONE!--what it does and how it does it.

ARRL's Low Power Communication with 40-meter CW Cub Transceiver Kit -- Now Shipping! -- Build and operate low-power radio gear--the QRP way! 3rd Edition. Includes the 40-meter CW Cub Transceiver Kit.

ARRL's Low Power Communication -- Now Shipping! -- Build and operate low-power radio gear-the QRP way! 3rd Edition.

The ARRL Handbook (2008 softcover edition) -- Now Shipping! -- THE standard in applied electronics and communications.

The ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs -- Special Offer! Valid through January 31, 2009! -- Everything for the active ham radio operator! Explore new activities, learn new skills, find new references and more.

ARRLWeb Links

ARRL Listings · ARRL Files and FTP Sites · ARRL Home Pages · Off-Campus Links

ARRL Listings

Affiliated Clubs
Amateur Radio exams
ARRL Publications
ARRL advertisers
Email addresses for ARRL officers, directors, vice directors and HQ personnel
Hamfests and conventions
W1AW bulletins
W1AW schedule

ARRL Files and FTP Sites

The ARRL FTP site is available both via the Web and via FTP.

These files are also mirrored at:

QST, QEX and Other Article Indexes

Note: A searchable index is available to ARRL members only.

Except as noted, these links are for the ARRLWeb locations; if you access one of the mirrors instead, URLs will differ:

ASCII QST indexes from 1989 through 1995:

ASCII QEX indexes from 1988 through 1995

QSTSEARCH, an index search program for 1977 though 1995:

ARRL Home Pages

The National Contest Journal (NCJ)
QEX magazine
QST advertisers' home pages
QST magazine
Logos and Photos


Links to ARRL affiliated clubs can be obtained by performing a Club Search. Links to ARRL Divisions and Sections can be found on ARRLWeb's Divisions and Sections pages. ARRL advertiser links are also listed elsewhere. Links to other member societies of the International Amateur Radio Union are on the IARU Web site.

Call Sign Look-Up Sites
(Other than ARRL's [US Only])

AE7Q's Amateur Radio Callsign Query tools. (US)
WM7D's callsign database (US and non-US)
Buckmaster (US and non-US)
QRZ (US and non-US)
FCC ULS (US only)
Industry Canada call sign database
German call sign database

Yahoo's list of call sign servers

AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
AWA, the Antique Wireless Association
Congessional Web server ("Thomas"). Also see Congressional email addresses.
Courage HANDI-HAM System
FCC, the Federal Communications Commission
ITU, the International Telecommunication Union
IVCA, the International Visual Communication Association (SSTV)
NADSD, The North American Digital Systems Directory, an on-line listing of packet and digital systems
NCDXF, the Northern California DX Foundation
QCWA, the Quarter Century Wireless Association
QRP ARCI, the QRP Amateur Radio Club International
SAREX, the Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment.
Solar forecast from NOAA's Space Environment Lab
TAPR, Tucson Amateur Packet Radio
WWV, WWVH and other NIST time and frequency dissemination services

Page last modified: 11:55 AM, 30 Jul 2007 ET
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Copyright © 2007, American Radio Relay League, Inc. All Rights Reserved.