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PRESS RELEASE 04/02/2007
Return to List Contact: (301) 443-3593, Fax: (301) 443-0507

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Indian Health Service Employee Wins “Federal 100” Information Technology Award

Federal Computer Week has selected Theresa Ann Cullen, M.D., M.S., as a winner of the prestigious Federal 100 award for her outstanding achievements in the development and management of federal information technology (IT) during 2006. Dr. Cullen is the Chief Information Officer and Director of the Office of Information Technology for the Indian Health Service (IHS), an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services that provides a comprehensive health service delivery system for approximately 1.9 million American Indians and Alaska Natives. Dr. Cullen is also a commissioned officer in the U.S. Public Health Service and holds the rank of captain.

The Federal 100 awards are presented each year to public and private sector IT professionals who make a difference in the way agencies and companies develop, acquire, manage, and use information technology.

Dr. Cullen was recognized for her key role in the implementation of the health information technology solution used by the IHS, the Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS), and for using her expertise as a physician and IT professional to help IHS use information technology to improve the health of American Indian and Alaska Native people.

“Dr. Cullen has worked tirelessly to facilitate the development and enhancement of appropriate health information technology solutions for the IHS,” said Dr. Charles W. Grim, IHS Director. “She is certainly representative of the high caliber of health care professionals working within the Indian health system to serve the health care needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives.”

Dr. Cullen provides IHS strategic planning and leadership on all aspects of information technology for the IHS. Under Dr. Cullen’s guidance, the RPMS Program Management Office has adopted structured software development tools as well as increased project management to ensure appropriate fiscal and administrative oversight. This oversight has lead to improved clinical outcomes through the development and release of clinically appropriate software applications.

This award recognizes Dr. Cullen’s commitment and ability to integrate health information technology into clinical care to improve individual and population health status for American Indians and Alaska Natives.
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