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PRESS RELEASE 05/07/2007
Return to List Contact: (301) 443-3593, Fax: (301) 443-0507

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Indian Health Service Dedicates New Health Care Center in Sisseton, South Dakota

The Indian Health Service (I H S), an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services (H H S), will hold a formal dedication of the new Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Health Care Center located east of Sisseton, South Dakota, on May 10, 2007.

“The impressive accomplishment stands as an example of what can be achieved through the determination and leadership of the tribes, H H S, and the I H S. It is a real pleasure to see the completion of this new facility and staff quarters,” stated Dr. Charles Grim, I H S Director. “This new facility will provide long-needed health care services and will make a real difference in improving the health and well being of those living in this area of South Dakota.”

The new 85,574-square-foot facility and the accompanying 62 new staff quarters are designed to improve the health status of residents of the service area. This new facility will serve a user population of 6,600.

This new facility replaces a 26,200-square-foot I H S facility in Agency Village, South Dakota. All existing outpatient services will be maintained, and optometry and physical therapy services will be added. In addition, space will be provided for health programs operated by the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe, including community health, maternal and child health, child protection, tribal health administration, and ambulance service. The facility is built to house a total staff of 170 full-time employees, which includes 28 tribally funded positions.

The I H S is the primary source of health care services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. The I H S provides a comprehensive health service delivery system for approximately
1.9 million of the nation’s estimated 3.3 million American Indians and Alaska Natives.
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NOTICE TO EDITORS: For additional information on this subject, please contact the IHS Public Affairs Office at 301-443-3593. Additional information about the IHS is available at and
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