National Child Welfare Association



DavidSimmons David Simmons Email

Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy

(503) 222-4044, ext. 119

Bills pending in Congress that have implications for Indian children. These bills have not become law.

Resolutions and Amendments

Tribal Foster Care and Adoption Access Act of 2007 - S. 1956

Indian Child Welfare Act Amendments of 2003 - H.R. 2750

Child Safety, Adoption, and Family Enhancement Act (H.R. 4856)

Indian and Alaska Native Foster Care and Adoption Services Amendments of 2005 - S. 672

Reauthorization of Indian Health Care Improvement Act - S. 556 and H.R. 2440

Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Reauthorization Act of 2003 - S. 1601

Gang Prevention and Effective Deterrence Act of 2003 - S. 1735

Reports and Proposals

President's Child Welfare Funding Proposal

Pew Commission Report on Children in Foster Care

Legislative Resources

The Library of Congress - Thomas

In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, legislative information from the Library of Congress

Find Your U.S. Senate or House Representative - is a service of Capitol Advantage and Knowlegis, LLC; private, non-partisan companies that specialize in facilitating civic participation.