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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)


Iraq Resources and Tools

Iraq Web Links
Links by topical categories to resources providing information on Iraq concerning conflict and weapons inspections.


Oral Histories Project on Stability Operations: Iraq Experience
A collection of interviews of individuals involved in stability operations, to draw lessons learned and address the challenges of postconflict intervention.


Peace Agreements: Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations and the Republic of Iraq
Agreement between the United Nations and Iraq signed on February 23, 1998.


Peacekeeping Web Links
Links by topical categories to resources primarily in English that provide substantive content on peacekeeping, peacekeeping operations, and peacebuilding.


Religion and Peacemaking Web Links
Links to resources primarily in English that provide substantive content on religion and peacemaking activities of various faiths, with a particular focus on specific topics: the work of Catholic groups, faith-based NGOs, Islamic perspectives on peace, and "just war" doctrine.


Trauma and Conflict Web Links
Links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information on trauma in zones of conflict and specifically, training for trauma relief.


U.S. National Security and Foreign Policy Web Links
Links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information on the changing U.S. national security and foreign policy environment.


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