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K.C. ALFRED / Union-Tribune 

Bolts' bummer: It's the Pitts

Steeler Santonio Holmes blows by Chargers defenders on the way to a 68-yard scoring punt return at Pittsburgh, where the (steel) curtain falls on a roller-coaster season for the Bolts in a 35-24 loss. The Chargers finish with a 1-1 postseason record.

Israeli troops advance deep into Gaza

Israeli ground forces make their deepest foray yet into Gaza's most populated area, with tanks rolling into residential neighborhoods and infantry fighting urban warfare in streets and buildings with Hamas militants.
Budget impasse fallout could soon hit hard and wide
It has been a month since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger warned that if legislators didn't act soon the state would face “financial Armageddon.” No one is quite sure how bad that may be, but the grim picture could start taking shape soon.

School labor decision due
On Tuesday, the new board of the San Diego Unified School District will decide whether Proposition S jobs to do district construction should come with union guarantees.
After the fires, another mess
San Diego officials awarded a contract to haul wildfire rubble from city-owned land without soliciting bids, despite a warning that the lack of competition could pose problems. It did.

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Philip Rivers and other Chargers talk about Saturday's game and the divisional playoff.
The year in photos
Moments of joy and moments of drama captured by Union-Tribune photographers.
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Brutal Tactics in Mexico's Drug War
Acid baths, mutilations and decapitations common in Mexico's war on drugs.

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While most brides see their wedding day as a dream come true, for 25-year-old Allyson Roach, who was severely burned and lost her sister in the 2003 firestorm, it was a dream she had abandoned. “Five years ago, I didn't think this day would come,” she says.

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