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   State Information

  1. Box Elder News Journal (Brigham City)
  2. Canyon Country Zephyr (Moab)
  3. City Weekly (Salt Lake City)
  4. Daily-Herald, The (Provo)
  5. Daily Universe, The (Provo)
  6. Davis County Clipper (Bountiful)
  7. Deseret News (Salt Lake City)
  8. Emery County Progress, The (Castle Dale)
  9. Herald Journal, The (Logan)
  10. Hilltop Times (Hill AFB)
  11. Hurricane Valley Journal (Hurricane)
  12. Moab's Times-Independent (Moab)
  13. Park Record (Park City)
  14. Richfield Reaper, The (Richfield)
  15. Spectrum, The (St. George)
  16. Standard-Examiner (Ogden)
  17. Times News (Nephi)
  18. Transcript Bulletin (Tooele)
  19. Utah Statesman Online (Logan)
  20. Uintah Basin Standard (Roosevelt)
  21. Vernal Express (Vernal)
  22. Wasatch Wave (Heber)

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