January 17, 2009

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Inauguration over school?
Are you a Boston parent planning to keep your child home from school Tuesday to watch the presidential inauguration? If so, please contact reporter John C. Drake at jdrake@globe.com.
Are you a helicopter parent?
Do you pay extremely close attention to your kid's activities? The Globe wants to hear from you. Contact Don Aucoin at aucoin@globe.com.
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Bob Ryan's blog
Rice's path to glory
For the record, here is Jim Rice's voting path to Cooperstown: Year Percentage of Vote Who Got In 1995 29.8 Mike Schmidt 1996 35.3 None...
Political Intelligence
Obama, in Baltimore, takes up founders' mantle
In tones that echoed his predecessors Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, President-elect Barack Obama today declared himself ready to take up the cause of...
Override Central
What's this? A tax cut?
Taxes seem to rise inexorably, but in Duxbury local officials are contemplating a cut in the property tax that helps fund community preservation. A proposal...


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Page one

Church arson tied to racism

Three Springfield men, bitter about the election of the nation's first black president and furious in their belief that minorities would gain more rights, torched the partially built church of a black congregation just hours after Barack Obama's landmark victory, authorities said yesterday. (By Jonathan Saltzman and Brian Ballou, Globe Staff)

Shaken but relieved,
crash survivors return

One moment they were six buddies from Western Massachusetts pointed south for a long weekend, headed to Myrtle Beach for a golf trip. The next they were bracing for death, smoke billowing from the engines of their aircraft as it veered toward the Hudson River. (By Eric Moskowitz and Maria Cramer, Globe Staff)

'Everyday' couple gets an inaugural role

Like so many other Americans, Kevin and Kirsten Meehan of Dover, N.H. wanted to be part of Tuesday's inauguration in Washington, D.C., but couldn't land tickets to the event, let alone afford the pricey hotel stay. (By Stephanie Ebbert, Globe Staff)

Andrew Wyeth, austere
artist of the familiar, dies

Andrew Wyeth, whose evocations of a changeless rural present along the Maine coast and in Pennsylvania farm country made him America's most popular living artist and whose 1948 painting "Christina's World" became one of the most famous artworks of the 20th century, died yesterday. (By Mark Feeney, Globe Staff)





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