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Maryland Wants $12 Million to Protect Obama

Friday January 16, 2009

In a letter to the star of the inauguration himself, the Maryland congressional delegation has asked President-elect Barak Obama to see to it that the federal government kicks in an additional $12.6 million to help protect him during the 40-minute Amtrak ride through Maryland on the way to the January 20 ceremony. That $12 million train ticket would rival the $15 million already authorized by Congress to assist the District of Columbia with its inauguration-related expenses. Read more...

Inauguration Prompts State of Emergency

Thursday January 15, 2009

President Bush declared that “an emergency exists in the District of Columbia,” in authorizing federal money to assist the District of Columbia in saving lives and protecting public health and safety during the inauguration of President Barak Obama on January 20. Read more...

Fraud Task Force Report Finally Surfaces

Thursday January 15, 2009

Let’s hope President-elect Obama’s new Chief Performance Officer, the person who will be eliminating waste in government programs, gets a chance to read this sequestered government report on detecting, reducing and prosecuting fraud in the federal purchasing process. Read more...

Senator vs. Electoral College

Wednesday January 14, 2009

President-elect Barak Obama probably has a better chance of changing the way we pick the national champion of college football than Sen. Bill Nelson has of changing how we choose our nation's president, but that hasn't stopped Florida's Democratic Senator from introducing a constitutional amendment abolishing the Electoral College system. Read more...


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