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The Bay of Pigs Invasion

In 1961, President John Kennedy approved a CIA plan to arm and train Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and install a new government. The resulting attack, known as "The Bay of Pigs," was a total disaster for Kennedy and a great victory for Castro.

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Christopher's Latin American History Blog

Obama meets with Calderon

Tuesday January 13, 2009
President-elect Obama met yesterday with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, continuing a tradition of the Mexican president meeting with incoming US presidents before they are sworn in. The tradition reinforces the special bond between the two countries. They had a lot to discuss: immigration, the economy, NAFTA and more, but perhaps the biggest item on the agenda was the growing crime problem along the border. Calderon and his administration have declared war on the powerful drug lords that rule the border region, going after the cartels as well as the crooked politicians, judges and policemen on the payroll of the criminals. Calderon likely asked President-elect Obama for help in controlling the flood of weapons passing south over the border. Hopefully, the two nations will be able to co-operate and put an end to the escalating violence as well as other issues.

Latin America Reacts to Gaza Violence

Sunday January 11, 2009
Latin American nations have joined the international chorus urging Israel and Palestinian militants to halt the violence in the Gaza strip. in Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez pinned the blame for the conflict squarely on Israel, which he considers a puppet of the United States, and ordered the Israeli ambassador to leave. In Caracas, a large crowd gathered to support the expulsion, and Venezuela's 15,000 Jews are worried that the people of Venezuela may direct reprisals their way. Other Latin American countries have not removed Israeli diplomats, but still urge a quick resolution to the violence that has already claimed hundreds of lives.

Evita Peron

Friday January 9, 2009

Evita Peron
Evita Peron
Public Domain Image

Long before Hillary Clinton made friends and enemies as the First Lady of the United States of America, Eva Peron was charming the masses in Argentina as wife of populist dictator Juan Peron. One of the most remarkable women in history, Evita has inspired millions, including the writers, composers and actors who made Evita! a smash Broadway hit. How much do you REALLY know about Evita?

Antonio de Montesinos

Tuesday January 6, 2009
In the early years of the Spanish conquest, settlers, conquistadors, bureaucrats and mercenaries all flocked to the Caribbean, looking to make a quick fortune in gold or slaves. The natives of the islands of the Caribbean were massacred, captured, enslaved and sold, in addition to the thousands which died from unknown European diseases. The rapine went on unabated until one man spoke out against it. That man was Father Antonio de Montesinos, and the New World would never be the same.


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