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Another semester, another challenge, another step closer to graduation. Make sure you know what kind of education and experience you want to have had once that diploma is in your hand.

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Kelci's College Life Blog

Worried About Your Finances? Make Sure You're Prepared

Thursday January 15, 2009

There are very few students out there who haven't been affected by the recent decline (plummet?) of the economy. Students themselves are having more difficulty finding funding, parents' funding options may be more limited, and expenses just keep on increasing.

If you're at all worried about money this semester -- or just want to stay ahead of the game -- make sure you've done what you can to be as prepared as possible. My top 5 suggestions:

  1. Know how to make a budget
  2. Know alternative sources of funding in case your usual means are no longer available (such as social networking loans from places like GreenNote)
  3. Know small, easy ways to save money on a daily basis
  4. Know all the lingo that's being used in your financial aid package
  5. Know the 5 secrets to your financial aid offer

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New Rankings for Online Institutions

Tuesday January 13, 2009

Thinking of taking classes at an online university? Not sure what your options are, or what places are more reputable than others? The Online Education Database released its third annual rankings of online institutions on January 8.

A few things I feel compelled to mention: not everyone feels that these rankings are reliable. The Online Education Database is, as The Chronicle of Higher Education reports, "a for-profit company that makes money by referring visitors to the many online colleges and universities that advertise with it." So take the rankings with a grain of salt -- just like, I hope, you would any other educational rankings.

These rankings can be a good place to start, however, for those of you who are considering taking online courses to save money, get ahead, or catch up on your academic career.

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Finally, Some Props for College Students

Wednesday January 7, 2009

One of the things that bugs me most about press coverage of college students and their lives is that the coverage tends to be so negative; it's rare to see a great story on college students that highlights all of the amazing things they do all day, every day.

On December 24, The New York Times ran a great article highlighting some amazing projects that are being led by college students. It focuses on the entrepreneurial spirit that seems to ignite in many college students, and the great things that come as a result of that fire-in-the-belly. It's worth a read if you need some motivation -- and worth sending to parents or other people who tend to have consistently negative views of college students and their productivity!

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Need to Buy Books?

Monday January 5, 2009

Need to buy books for the upcoming semester? Don't leave things until the last minute, when you often get stuck paying high prices just so you can get your books on time. Online retailers have some great deals but you'll need to leave a little time for shipping. (After all, those books aren't so cheap anymore when you have to pay $40 for overnight shipping ...)

Just last week I received an email from Barnes & Noble, letting me know that they are offering "fast and free delivery on new textbooks." Before you click "Purchase" at B&N -- or anywhere else, for that matter -- make sure you know all the ins and outs of buying college textbooks online.

Now if only your professors would get their reading lists put together in time ...

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