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Top Antiques and Collectibles for 2008

Friday January 16, 2009
Every year releases the list of most searched items in the antiques and collectibles world. The 2008 list is based on millions of online searches on sites hosted by TIAS and compares the results with 2007 searches.

As TIAS notes, these results don't let one know if a person is buying, selling or just curious about the values. The list is always interesting to read, so courtesy of, enjoy!

Obama Inaugural Collectibles

Thursday January 15, 2009
Thinking about starting a collection of Obama items? Read an interesting article on Worth Point about the Top Obama Collectibles . There's no guarantee that these will definitely increase in value, but would be a good start in building a long lasting, historical collection.

It won't take long for people to start asking about the value of some of their items, but as mentioned in the article "The first rule of collectibles is if there are many of them, their value is reduced. When Barack Obama defeated John McCain, scores of newspapers trumpeted historic headlines, some are still being reprinted and sold as commemoratives." That doesn't mean you shouldn't save and collect items that are made in the hundreds of thousands, just don't expect them to have much, if any future value.

Official Presidential Inauguration Store

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday January 14, 2009

Flash Gordon - $300 or $500?

Are Your Kids or Grandkids Collectors?

Monday January 12, 2009
Are your kids collectors? Today I read an article in The Christian Science Monitor, asking "Where have all the pint-sized collectors gone?" that had me pondering the question once again.

My grandson has been acquiring since he's been about 18 months old. First it was everything Elmo, then he went through various other fads and phases including Toy Story stuff, Wallace and Grommit items, wind-ups and Disney Cars.

But the one thing he has always been adamant about is having the complete set. I confess to having caused that problem, as we spent many hours browsing eBay together looking for items he didn't have. His latest passion has lasted the longest and I think will continue for a long time. He discovered Star Wars last summer and we all know what that means, there is no end of stuff. Yesterday he found my Warman's Star Wars Field Guide -- it's apparently no longer mine. But as a collector, I love it. Even though he is only six, we speak the same language! The passion and language of collectors.

Unfortunately too many kids don't collect anymore, blame it on TV, video games, the Internet, whatever, but the lure of the baseball cards and stamp collections don't excite them as much as they did a few decades ago.

If you want to do find something to do and share with your kids and grandkids, the answer is simple. Get them into collecting! Help them discover something to be passionate about and you'll soon have company on your garage sale stops and flea market adventures. It doesn't have to be expensive, there are loads of collections that are free or almost free.

Poll: Are the youngsters in your life collectors?


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