Understanding Earthquakes:

From Research to Resilience


Westin Hotel, Seattle

April 22-26, 2008

Conference Chairs

Robert Freitag, CREW

Patricia L. Sutch, WSSPC

Edward S. Fratto, NESEC

Susan Tubbesing, EERI

Jim Wilkinson, CUSEC

Larry Pearce, EPICC



Supported by

National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

U.S. Department of

Homeland Security / FEMA

U.S. Geological Survey

National Institute of Standards and Technology



National Forum for Dialog & Action to Reduce Loss

Earthquakes - like terrorist attacks, fires, floods, and power outages - can severely impact our homes, businesses and communities.

How should you prepare for such an event? Can you afford not to be ready? By working together before earthquakes occur, we can reduce the social and economic impacts.

Conference Activities

View the

Final Conference Summary


National Awards Winners

Tsunami Session - View Webcast


 Field Trips

Student Scholarship Recipients


Why Attend?

Understand the research: Develop a shared understanding of the scientific, engineering, and social research that underlies our ability to assess, mitigate, and respond to earthquakes across the U.S. (California, Pacific NW, New Madrid, Northeast, Southeast).

Exchange ideas about tools for earthquake hazard and risk reduction: Exchange key information on the needs and state of the art in technological and informational products meant to facilitate earthquake hazard mitigation and response.

Showcase successful programs: Present and discuss successful earthquake and other hazard mitigation and response programs in the public and private sectors.

Learn from past disasters: Relate the lessons learned from large-scale disasters to probable future earthquakes.

Build resiliency:

Discover and build on new approaches and solutions to achieving resiliency to earthquakes.



Webmaster | Last Updated August 04, 2008


The Steering Committee of the 2008 National Earthquake Conference is doing business as Washington State University.


Banner photos courtesy of Global Net Productions (left, right), DHS/FEMA (middle) and EERI (middle).