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>> Materials Science

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Coating and Coatings | Crystallography | Dynamic Material Properties | Explosives | Hydrogen Storage | Modeling and Simulation | Materials Handling | Metallurgy | Microelectronics | Nanomaterials | Neutron Scattering | Nuclear Materials | Plutonium | Uranium | Strategic Materials | Superconductivity | Other

Coating and Coatings PDF Size
Anticorrosion Coatings � Can They Be Made without Chromium? [No.30 2006]
Dale W. Schaefer, Guirong Pan, and Wim van Ooij
799 kB

Crystallography PDF Size
X-Ray and Neutron Crystallography�A Powerful Combination [No.19 1990]
Robert B. Von Dreele
2412 kB

Dynamic Material Properties PDF Size
Armor/Anti-Armor�Materials by Design [No.17 1989]
Donald J .Sandstrom
2488 kB
ATAC and the Armor/Anti-Armor Program [No.17 1989]
Richard Mah and Phyllis Martell
3701 kB
Shock Compression Techniques for Developing Multiphase Equations of State [No.28 2003]
Robert S. Hixson, George T. Gray, Dennis B. Hayes
430 kB
Proton Radiography [No.30 2006]
Christopher Morris, John W. Hopson, and Phillip Goldstone
1211 kB

Explosives PDF Size
High Explosives: The Interaction of Chemistry and Mechanics [No.2 1981]
William C. Davis
3108 kB
The Development of Flash Radiography [No.28 2003]
Gregory S. Cunningham, Christopher Morris
2048 kB
High-Explosives Performance - Understanding the Effects of a Finite-Length Reaction Zone [No.28 2003]
John b. Bdzil, Tariq D. Aslam, Rudolph Henninger, James J. Quirk
1479 kB
Proton Radiography [No.30 2006]
Christopher Morris, John W. Hopson, and Phillip Goldstone
1211 kB

Hydrogen Storage PDF Size
Storing Hydrogen in Crystalline Molecular Cages of Water [No.30 2006]
Konstantin A. Lokshin and Yusheng Zhao
959 kB

Modeling and Simulation PDF Size
High-Explosives Performance - Understanding the Effects of a Finite-Length Reaction Zone [No.28 2003]
John b. Bdzil, Tariq D. Aslam, Rudolph Henninger, James J. Quirk
1479 kB
Damage Evolution in Ductile Materials - Developing a Quantitative and Predictive Understanding [No.28 2003]
Anna K. Zurek, W. Richards Thissell, carl P. Trujillo, Davis L. Tonks, Benjamin L. Henrie, Rhonald K. Keinigs
331 kB
Quantum Molecular Dynamics�Simulating Warm, Dense Matter [No.29 2005]
Lee A. Collins, Joel D. Kress, Stephane F. Mazevet
1583 kB

Materials Handling PDF Size
The Pit Production Story [No.28 2003]
Douglas D. Kautz, David B. Mann, Richard G. Castro, Lawrence E. Lucero, Steven M. Dinehart
609 kB
Strategy for Small-Lot Manufacturing - In-Process Monitoring and Control [No.28 2003]
Vivek R. Dav�, Daniel A. Jartman, William H. King, Mark J. Cola, Rajendra U. Vaidya
301 kB

Metallurgy PDF Size
The Pit Production Story [No.28 2003]
Douglas D. Kautz, David B. Mann, Richard G. Castro, Lawrence E. Lucero, Steven M. Dinehart
609 kB
Strategy for Small-Lot Manufacturing - In-Process Monitoring and Control [No.28 2003]
Vivek R. Dav�, Daniel A. Jartman, William H. King, Mark J. Cola, Rajendra U. Vaidya
301 kB
The Development of Flash Radiography [No.28 2003]
Gregory S. Cunningham, Christopher Morris
2048 kB
Damage Evolution in Ductile Materials - Developing a Quantitative and Predictive Understanding [No.28 2003]
Anna K. Zurek, W. Richards Thissell, carl P. Trujillo, Davis L. Tonks, Benjamin L. Henrie, Rhonald K. Keinigs
331 kB
Shock Compression Techniques for Developing Multiphase Equations of State [No.28 2003]
Robert S. Hixson, George T. Gray, Dennis B. Hayes
430 kB

Microelectronics PDF Size
Photoconductivity and Picosecond Signals [No.14 1986]
Robert B. Hammond
3330 kB
Novel Electronic Materials: The MX Family [No.21 1993]
Alan R. Bishop, Basil I. Swanson
242 kB
Molecular Wires for Ultrafast Circuits [No.21 1993]
Antonio Redondo
136 kB
Origins of Spin Coupling across Interfaces [No.30 2006]
Michael Fitzsimmons and Sunil K. Sinha
990 kB

Nanomaterials PDF Size
Unraveling the True Atomic Structures of Exotic Oxides [No.30 2006]
Thomas Proffen and Takeshi Egami
4274 kB
Pair Distribution Function for Nanoparticle Studies [No.30 2006]
Thomas E. Proffen, Katharine L. Page, Ram Seshadri, and Anthony Cheetham
650 kB

Neutron Scattering PDF Size
Neutron Scattering � A Primer [No.19 1990]
Roger Pynn
3721 kB
Putting Neutrons in Perspective: An Interview with Roger Pynn [No.19 1990]

1762 kB
LANSCE�A Facility for Users [No.19 1990]
Dianne K. Hyer and Roger Pynn
2358 kB
Biology on the Scale of Neglected Dimensions [No.19 1990]
Jill Trewhella
2901 kB
Neutrons, Sludge Physics, and the Liberty Bell [No.19 1990]
Roger Pynn
2745 kB
Neutrons and Catalysis [No.19 1990]
Juergen Eckert and Phillip J. Vergamini
1899 kB
X-Ray and Neutron Crystallography�A Powerful Combination [No.19 1990]
Robert B. Von Dreele
2412 kB
Superfluid Helium and Neutron Scattering: A New Chapter in the Condensate Saga [No.19 1990]
Richard N. Silver
2384 kB
Bayesian Inductive Inference, Maximum Entropy, and Neutron Scattering [No.19 1990]
Devinderjit Singh Sivia
2472 kB
Neutrons in Our Future: A Proposed High-Flux Spallation Neutron Source [No.21 1993]
Roger Pynn
17 kB
Introduction to Materials and Bioscience Neutron-Scattering Research [No.30 2006]
Alan J. Hurd and Dale W. Schaefer
610 kB
Finding out How Enzymes Work [No.30 2006]
Paul A. Langan
1207 kB
How Single Hydrogen Atoms Came Into View [No.30 2006]
Benno P. Schoenborn
950 kB

Nuclear Materials PDF Size
Actinide Ground-State Properties-Theoretical Predictions [No.26 2000]
John M. Wills, Olle Eriksson
871 kB
The Pit Production Story [No.28 2003]
Douglas D. Kautz, David B. Mann, Richard G. Castro, Lawrence E. Lucero, Steven M. Dinehart
609 kB
Strategy for Small-Lot Manufacturing - In-Process Monitoring and Control [No.28 2003]
Vivek R. Dav�, Daniel A. Jartman, William H. King, Mark J. Cola, Rajendra U. Vaidya
301 kB
LANSCE � A Key Facility for National Science and Defense [No.30 2006]
Kurt F. Schoenberg and Paul W. Lisowski
3591 kB
The Role of LANSCE in the Nuclear Energy Future [No.30 2006]
Michael W. Cappiello and Dana C. Christensen
1319 kB

Plutonium PDF Size
Plutonium � A Wartime Nightmare but a Metallurgist�s Dream [No.7 1983]
Richard D. Baker, Siegfried S. Hecker, and Delbert R. Harbur
2318 kB
Plutonium Metal: The First Gram [No.23 1995]
Ed Hammel
119 kB
An Update: Plutonium and Quantum Criticality [No.26 2000]
George Chapline, James L. Smith
9 kB
Plutonium-An Element at Odds with Itself [No.26 2000]
Siegfried S. Hecker
881 kB
The Plutonium Challenge-Stockpile Stewardship [No.26 2000]
Siegfried S. Hecker
706 kB
The Plutonium Challenge-Environmental Issues [No.26 2000]
Siegfried S. Hecker
1316 kB
The Taming of "49"-Big Science in Little Time [No.26 2000]
Edward F. Hammel
605 kB
Plutonium Condensed-Matter Physics-A Survey of Theory and Experiment [No.26 2000]
A. Michael Boring, James L. Smith
992 kB
Electronic Structure of Alpha and Delta Plutonium-Theory vs Experiment [No.26 2000]
Aloysius J. Arko, John J. Joyce, John M. Wills
58 kB
A Possible Model for Delta Plutonium-Self-Induced Anderson Localization, Delta-Phase Stability, and the Melting Temperature of Plutonium [No.26 2000]
Bernard R. Cooper
376 kB
Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Alpha and Delta Plutonium [No.26 2000]
Aloysius J. Arko, John J. Joyce, Luis A. Morales, Jeffrey H. Terry, Roland K. Schulze
725 kB
Atomic Vibrations and Melting in Plutonium [No.26 2000]
Andrew C. Lawson, Barbara Martinez, Joyce A. Roberts, James W. Richardson, Jr., Bard I. Bennett
729 kB
Microstrain in Delta Prime Plutonium [No.26 2000]
Andrew C. Lawson
32 kB
Elasticity, Entropy, and the Phase Stability of Plutonium [No.26 2000]
Albert Migliori, Joseph P. Baiardo, Timothy W. Darling
835 kB
Preparing Single Crystals of Gallium-Stabilized Plutonium [No.26 2000]
Jason C. Lashley, Michael S. Blau, Roger L. Moment
626 kB
A Single-Crystal Saga [No.26 2000]
Roger L. Moment
511 kB
Aging of Plutonium and Its Alloys [No.26 2000]
Siegfried S. Hecker, Joseph C. Martz
251 kB
A Tale of Two Diagrams [No.26 2000]
Siegfried S. Hecker, Lidia F. Timofeeva
350 kB
Radiation Effects in Plutonium-What Is Known? Where Should We Go from Here? [No.26 2000]
Wilhelm G. Wolfer
569 kB
Transmission Electron Microscopy of Plutonium Alloys [No.26 2000]
Thomas G. Zocco
587 kB
Plutonium and Its Alloys-From Atoms to Microstructure [No.26 2000]
Siegfried S. Hecker
2222 kB
Mechanical Behavior of Plutonium and Its Alloy [No.26 2000]
Siegfried S. Hecker, Michael F. Stevens
1031 kB
Where Is the Gallium?-Searching the Plutonium Lattice with XAFS [No.26 2000]
Steven D. Conradson
632 kB
The Pit Production Story [No.28 2003]
Douglas D. Kautz, David B. Mann, Richard G. Castro, Lawrence E. Lucero, Steven M. Dinehart
609 kB
Strategy for Small-Lot Manufacturing - In-Process Monitoring and Control [No.28 2003]
Vivek R. Dav�, Daniel A. Jartman, William H. King, Mark J. Cola, Rajendra U. Vaidya
301 kB
Plutonium under Pressure: Introduction [No.30 2006]
James L. Smith and George Chapline
441 kB
Filling the Gap in Plutonium Properties - Studies at Intermediate Temperatures and Pressures [No.30 2006]
Albert Migliori, Alan J. Hurd, Yusheng Zhao, and Cristian Pantea
479 kB
Plutonium Magic [No.30 2006]
Angus Lawson
1536 kB

Uranium PDF Size
Vibrational Softening in Alpha Uranium [No.26 2000]
Michael E. Manley
208 kB
Aging and Deformation of Uranium-Niobium Alloys [No.30 2006]
Donald W. Brown, Robert E. Hackenberg, David F. Teter, and Mark A. Bourke
1922 kB

Strategic Materials PDF Size
LANSCE � A Key Facility for National Science and Defense [No.30 2006]
Kurt F. Schoenberg and Paul W. Lisowski
3591 kB
Proton Radiography [No.30 2006]
Christopher Morris, John W. Hopson, and Phillip Goldstone
1211 kB

Superconductivity PDF Size
p-State Superconductivity? [No.10 1984]
Gregory R. Stewart, Zachary Fisk, Jeffrey O. Willis, and James L. Smith
1867 kB
Unraveling the True Atomic Structures of Exotic Oxides [No.30 2006]
Thomas Proffen and Takeshi Egami
4274 kB

Other PDF Size
Bernd Matthias: A Personal Memoir [No.4 1982]
Paul R. Stein
1803 kB
The Nuclear Microprobe - Investigating Surfaces with Ions [No.5 1982]
Carl J. Maggiore
4184 kB
Crystals and Ultrasound: Old-fashioned Materials Science [No.21 1993]
Zachary Fisk, Albert Migliori
181 kB
The Dirac Series�a New International Pulsed-Power Collaboration [No.24 1996]

127 kB
Equations of State-Theoretical Formalism [No.26 2000]
Bard I. Bennett
19 kB
Toward a Silicon-Based Nuclear-Spin Quantum Computer: Developing the Technology for a Scalable, Solid-State Quantum Computer [No.27 2002]
Robert G. Clark, P. Chris Hammel, Andrew Dzurak, Alexander Hamilton, Lloyd Hollenberg, David Jamieson, Christopher Pakes, as told to Jay Schecker
1441 kB
Fabricating a Qubit Array with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope [No.27 2002]
Marilyn E. Hawley, Geoffrey W. Brown, Michele Y. Simmons, Robert G. Clark
1847 kB
Nanoscience and the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies [No.28 2003]
Donald M. Parkin
73 kB
Toward a Sustainable Energy Future - Fuel Cell Research at Los Alamos [No.28 2003]
Kenneth R. Stroh
196 kB
LANSCE and the Nuclear Weapons Program [No.30 2006]
Phil Goldstone
340 kB
A New �Camera on a Chip� for pRad Movies [No.30 2006]
Kris Kwiatkowski, Nicholas King, and Vincent M. Douence
856 kB
The Hydrophobic Effect � Why do Raindrops Slide off Leaves? [No.30 2006]
Dhaval A. Doshi, Erik B. Watkins, Jacob N. Israelachvili, and Jaroslaw Majewski
1184 kB

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Coating and Coatings | Crystallography | Dynamic Material Properties | Explosives | Hydrogen Storage | Modeling and Simulation | Materials Handling | Metallurgy | Microelectronics | Nanomaterials | Neutron Scattering | Nuclear Materials | Plutonium | Uranium | Strategic Materials | Superconductivity | Other

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