RSA-704 Frequently Asked Questions

704 FAQ from RSA - updated October 23, 2008

In the attached Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) offers answers to questions posed by center for independent living (CILs), statewide independent living council (SILCs) and designated state unit (DSUs) representatives regarding the revised annual 704 Report.

RSA recognizes the challenges for DSUs, SILCs and CILs in making the data collection and reporting system adjustments necessary to accommodate the new 704 Report requirements, and appreciates your current efforts to complete the report during this transitional year.

Thank you for your continued efforts on behalf of people with disabilities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Felipe Lulli at, Sean Barrett at or me at

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Thomas Kelley
Supervisor, Independent Living Unit

Last Modified: 10/24/2008