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Preparing for the CHT Exam?
HTCC has just completed a new survey on how candidates organize and use study groups. Extensive online resources are included. HTCC also has an Exam Preparation Report on general exam prep.
Click here to download the reports 
Certification Center
The application period for the Nov 2008 exam has now ended. The application period for the May 2009 exam will open in January, 2009. November 2008 exam registrants can check the status of their application in the Certification Center.
Click here to go to Certification Center 
Lost CHTs
Please help HTCC locate a lost CHT.
Click here to view the list 
2008 Recertification Candidates
The online application is available in CHTs Only. Please remember that ALL your hours must be approved before you will be able to complete the application in CHTs Only. All hours must be earned by Nov 15th.



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