A r c h i v e d   I n f o r m a t i o n

Life Skills for State and Local Prisoners
Demonstration Project Abstract

Program Title: Life Skills for State and Local Prisoners

Project Title: Life Skills Program for Nevada Inmates

Award Number: V255A000045

Project Director: Marta Hall
Awardee: Nevada Department of Prisons
Address: PO Box #7011
City, State, Zip: Carson City, NV 89702
Telephone: 775-887-9231

Funds for Fiscal Year 2000:$386,908
Other Federal:$0
Total Funds:$386,908

Award Period: September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2003

Federal Project Officer: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Division of National Programs, Office of Correctional Education, (202) 205-5621

Objectives: To continue and expand an educational training program which contains literacy, ESL, numeracy, community outreach, and vocational training that will provide long-term benefits to both inmates and the Nevada community in general.

Procedures: To provide life skills education designed to prepare adult offenders to reintegrate successfully into communities, school, and the workplace by providing tutor training for inmate volunteers; literacy, ESL, numeracy, and pre-GED tutoring to functionally illiterate inmates; opportunities to learn employability skills; employment training outside of vocational training; and skills to improve critical thinking and cognitive skills.

Outcomes/Results/Products: Develop computer labs at six main sites and develop community resources for employment referrals and training for inmates who are pending release from prison within six months.

Target Population: Incarcerated adults
Estimated Number of Trainees: 100
Partners: None

We welcome your feedback; send comments, questions, and suggestions to oce@inet.ed.gov

 Demonstration Projects

This page last modified February 26, 2003 (syr)