A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Life Skills for State and Local Prisoners
Demonstration Project Abstract

Program Title: Life Skills for State and Local Prisoners

Project Title: Building Bridges to Employment

Award Number: V255A000051

Project Director: Carolyn Vicari
Awardee: Massachusetts Department of Correction
Address: Division of Inmate Training and Education, PO Box 9103
City, State, Zip: Norfolk, MA 02056
Telephone: (617) 727-9170

Funds for Fiscal Year 2000:$581,774
Other Federal:$0
Total Funds:$1,281,274

Award Period: September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2003

Federal Project Officer: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Division of National Programs, Office of Correctional Education, (202) 205-5621

Objectives: The project funds will be used to enhance the Building Bridges to Employment program that currently exists in the DOC?s Division of Inmate Training and Education. The program provides vocational training and life skills training during incarceration. Individualized support, employment placement, and connections to community resources are provided during the transition form incarceration to the community. Tracking and support services will be in place for one year to increase the success of the ex-offender in becoming economically and legally self-sufficient.

Procedures: The program has five major components: 1)Vocational Training; 2)Assessment and Intake; 3)Pre-Employment Counseling and Life Skills Training; 4)Job Placement And Community/Partnership Referrals; 5) Tracking and Support

Outcomes/Results/Products: The project will measure success by collecting data in the areas of participation, employment placement and retention, and recidivism. The project will also develop a comprehensive guide to community resources for statewide dissemination.

Target Population: Incarcerated adults
Estimated Number of Trainees: 220
Partners: Friends of Shattuck Shelter, LTD:Impact Employment Services; and Career Source: Employment Resources, INC

We welcome your feedback; send comments, questions, and suggestions to oce@inet.ed.gov

 Demonstration Projects

This page last modified February 25, 2003 (syr)