A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Life Skills for State and Local Prisoners
Demonstration Project Abstract

Program Title: Life Skills for State and Local Prisoners

Project Title: Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Life Skills Project

Award Number: V255A000053

Project Director: Jan Bates
Awardee: Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office
Address: Orient Road Jail, 1201 Orient Road
City, State, Zip: Tampa, FL 33619
Telephone: (813) 247-8488

Funds for Fiscal Year 2000:$371,729
Other Federal:$0
Total Funds:$1,571,729

Award Period: September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2003

Federal Project Officer: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Division of National Programs, Office of Correctional Education, (202) 205-5621

Objectives: The project will create a comprehensive Life Skills program that will significantly enhance three existing programs, by adding life skills components not currently provided. The project will demonstrate successful cooperation between private and public sector agencies to provide a continuum of services for participants, both while in custody and during re-entry.

Procedures: The project will integrate life skills programming into three existing programs, the substance abuse treatment program, the domestic violence counseling program and the vocational training program. Inmates may participate in one or all of the above tracks, depending on their specific needs.

Outcomes/Results/Products: The program will measure the effectiveness of the curricula in the areas of educational achievement, cognitive reasoning, program completion, transitional planning, and recidivism.

Target Population: Incarcerated adults
Estimated Number of Trainees: 2274
Partners: None

We welcome your feedback; send comments, questions, and suggestions to oce@inet.ed.gov

 Demonstration Projects

This page last modified February 25, 2003 (syr)