RSA MIS User Guide

Getting Started

The RSA-MIS is a web-based application, and may be accessed by any computer connected to the internet. You may use any web-browser to access the system. It has been tested with Internet Explorer version 6 and 7, Mozilla Firefox, and Avant 11.5.

To get to the system, enter the following address in your address bar. If you create a bookmark or 'favorite' for the MIS, make sure the web address is '' without any extra characters.

For people without a user ID

There is a lot of information available in the RSA-MIS even to people who do not have a user ID. If you don't need to enter information into the system, you don't need a user ID. If you're interested in looking at and reading information in the system, you can skip the rest of this page and continue to the Using the MIS Main Menu.

Obtaining a user ID

If you need to enter information into the system, and if you have never obtained a user ID, click on the words Info for new users on the left menu bar on the main RSA-MIS screen.

Read the entire page, then click on the button at the bottom and follow the on-screen and e-mail prompts. Basically, you will fill out a form on-line and a copy will be sent to you via email. Obtain a signature from the Authorizing Official at your agency, then FAX the form to us. Allow 1-2 business days for us to complete granting access.

Forget your password or user ID?

It's OK... we all forget things from time to time.

We can send you your user ID, but since e-mail is not secure we cannot send your password.

From the main MIS screen, click on the words "Forget your user ID or password? Click Here." On the following screen, enter your user ID (if you remember it) or your e-mail address, then click the 'Send me my ID and reset my password' button. To prevent someone else from taking your ID, we will lock your user account and we will send an e-mail to the address we have on file. This e-mail will have a clickable link. When you get the e-mail, click on the link in the e-mail to unlock your account and reset your password. Note: you have 24 hours from the time the e-mail is sent. If you don't receive an e-mail after about 15 minutes, check your spam folder. If problems persist, click on the Technical Support link on the main MIS page.


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Last Modified: 10/24/2008