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LHNCBC: What's New - Lister Hill Center Paper Honored at AMIA 2008
What's New: Lister Hill Center Paper Honored at AMIA 2008

November 2008

A National Library of Medicine (NLM) project to help people find and evaluate nursing homes won a Distinguished Paper Award at the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2008 symposium.

Congratulations to Dr. Glenn Pearson (principal author), Mr. Michael Gill, and Dr. George Thoma of the Lister Hill Center's Communications Engineering Branch for their report "Web Screening of US Nursing Homes by Location and Quality".

Abstract: To assist American families that need to find a nursing home for a loved one, NLM is developing a Web 2.0 interface to important evaluative information about nursing homes in the US. Currently in prototype form, our Nursing Home Screener locates homes on a Google Map. It allows nursing home quality, indicated by map icons, to be surveyed in any of four major categories: staffing, fire safety deficiencies, healthcare deficiencies, and quality of care inferred from residents' health. Within each category, options can be tailored to user preferences. Furthermore, home attributes can be used to selectively hide home markers of less interest. The goal is to offer the public a timely and easy to use site for the rapid location and comparison of nursing homes, thus identifying those most worth further review or a personal visit.