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LANL : Earth & Environmental Sciences : Student Handbook

Student Handbook


EES Student Handbook


The systems administrator for your group or the division should be able to help you with computing access. This includes...

  • Setting up accounts and passwords.
  • Connecting to printers, network computers, plotters, digitizing tables.
  • Hardware amd software issues.
  • Computer security issues.

Remember the computer usage guidelines at LANL

Besides the computational resources available through the group or division, there are other computational resources in the Lab. These include imaging services such as film processing, slide making, poster printing, available through IM-1 (Information Management).

Technical computing courses (e.g., C and Java programming) are available through IM-2.

Desktop software packages can be obtained through your supervisor or systems administrator. LANL buys site licenses for many popular software packages which can be downloaded directly onto your computer. You will need an access code to order software directly through the Electronic Distribution System. Ask your supervisor or systems administrator how to get this code for software required to do your job.

Problems related to computing should be addressed through the group's computer systems administrator. Ask your supervisor about other computing resources (graphics or word processing) in your group. Jeff Simpson of EES-11 is available for web page and graphics help.

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