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Table 3a. White male adults and adolescents: area of residence at the time of AIDS diagnosis, ranked by number of cases and prevalence, 2004
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Area of residence Cases   Prevalencea
1981–2004   2004 Dec. 31, 2004
No. Rank No. Rank No. Rank
Alabama 2,561 29   101 27   982 31
Alaska 302 47 19 45 132 47
Arizona 5,782 13 265 9 2,239 16
Arkansas 1,829 32 84 29 992 30
California 73,904 1 1,798 1 25,799 1
Colorado 5,449 16 168 20 2,262 14
Connecticut 4,062 22 154 22 1,726 22
Delaware 795 42 29 42 337 42
District of Columbia 2,893 25 69 33 1,119 27
Florida 30,395 3 1,417 2 12,498 3
Georgia 8,313 9 251 11 3,235 8
Guam 8 54 0 3 54
Hawaii 1,596 36 62 34 693 34
Idaho 433 45 13 46 194 45
Illinois 10,431 5 407 5 4,339 5
Indiana 4,576 19 168 20 1,992 18
Iowa 1,118 38 30 41 458 38
Kansas 1,686 33 58 36 634 36
Kentucky 2,533 30 126 24 1,326 25
Louisiana 5,739 14 179 18 2,054 17
Maine 849 41 40 40 379 41
Maryland 4,522 20 143 23 1,748 21
Massachusetts 8,362 8 194 15 3,023 11
Michigan 4,830 17 192 16 1,891 19
Minnesota 2,776 26 82 30 1,041 29
Mississippi 1,603 34 80 31 655 35
Missouri 5,879 12 170 19 2,536 12
Montana 272 48 5 50 131 48
Nebraska 782 43 20 44 307 44
Nevada 2,936 24 116 26 1,318 26
New Hampshire 695 44 21 43 336 43
New Jersey 9,922 6 294 7 3,176 9
New Mexico 1,152 37 60 35 486 37
New York 37,338 2 1,193 3 12,800 2
North Carolina 3,645 23 227 12 1,571 23
North Dakota 95 51 8 49 39 51
Ohio 7,434 11 283 8 3,141 10
Oklahoma 2,774 27 95 28 1,117 28
Oregon 4,422 21 191 17 1,866 20
Pacific Islandsb 0 0 0
Pennsylvania 9,857 7 404 6 4,106 6
Puerto Rico 40 53 0 11 53
Rhode Island 1,104 39 45 39 452 39
South Carolina 2,756 28 122 25 1,340 24
South Dakota 140 50 5 50 63 50
Tennessee 4,706 18 224 13 2,244 15
Texas 29,033 4 861 4 10,541 4
Utah 1,603 34 49 38 754 33
Vermont 335 46 11 47 162 46
Virgin Islands 49 52 0 24 52
Virginia 5,703 15 196 14 2,392 13
Washington 8,027 10 263 10 3,368 7
West Virginia 949 40 53 37 432 40
Wisconsin 2,268 31 71 32 877 32
Wyoming 163 49 11 47 72 49
a Data are adjusted for delays in reporting cases and deaths.
b American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Last Modified: August 4, 2006
Last Reviewed: August 4, 2006
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention


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