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Infrastructure Research
Years:  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000
Year 2008Back to top
Extending the Benefits of One Laptop per Child to Health
Fontelo P, Liu F, Zhang K, Ackerman M
BMJ. 2008 Dec 1;337:a2459. doi: 10.1136/bmj.a2459
(Abstract) (PMID: 19047193 )
Year 2007Back to top
Combining Resources to Find Answers to Biomedical Questions
Demner-Fushman D, Humphrey SM, Ide NC, Loane RF, et al
Proc TREC 2007, 205-14
(Abstract) (PDF)
Fine-Grained Indexing of the Biomedical Literature: MeSH Subheading Attachment for a MEDLINE Indexing Tool
Neveol A, Shooshan SE, Mork JG, Aronson AR
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2007;:553-7
(Abstract) (PDF)
Performance, Instruction, and Technology in Health Care Education
Locatis C
In R. Reiser and J. Dempsey (Eds.) Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, (2nd Ed.) Merrill Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2007.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Structure and Content Analysis for HTML Medical Articles: A Hidden Markov Model Approach
Zou J, Le DX, Thoma GR
Proc August 2007 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. pp. 199-201.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Using Wireless Handheld Computers to Seek Information at the Point of Care: An Evaluation by Clinicians
Hauser SE, Demner-Fushman D, Jacobs JL, Humphrey SM, Ford G, Thoma GR
J Am Med Inform Assoc 2007;14:807-814. DOI 10.1197/jamia.M2424.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Why Media Matter: Media Effectiveness from a Performance Perspective
Locatis C
Performance Improvement Quarterly, 20(1), 9-22.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2006Back to top
A Blended Training Approach Using Videoconferencing for Distance Education
Locatis C, Gaines C, Liu W, Gill MJ, Carney J, Foster J, McCall V, Woods M
Journal of the Medical Library Association, October 2006, 94(4):464-8
(Abstract) (PDF)
Performance, Instruction, and Technology in Health Care
Locatis C
In: Reiser R, Dempsey J, editors. Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology. New Jersey: Merrill/Prentice-Hall:2006. p. 197-208
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2005Back to top
Accessing MEDLINE/PubMed with Handheld Devices: Developments and New Search Portals
Fontelo P, Nahin A, Liu F, Kim G, Ackerman MJ
Proc. of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2005;:1-5.
(Abstract) (PDF)
askMEDLINE: A Free-Text, Natural Language Query Tool for MEDLINE/PubMed
Fontelo P, Liu F, Ackerman MJ
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2005. 5;5:1-14.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Computer Network for Health Care Organizations in Low-Resource Environments
Ekong D, Fontelo P, Ackerman MJ
Telemed and e-Health, 11(2):245, 2005
(Abstract) (PDF)
Design Strategies for a Prototype Electronic Preservation System for Biomedical Documents
Mao S, Misra D, Seamans J, Thoma GR
IS&T Archiving 2005 Conference, April 2005; 48-53.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2004Back to top
Cellular Radio Telecommunication for Health Care: Benefits and Risks
Sneiderman, CA, Ackerman, MJ
J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2004;11:479-481. DOI 10.1197/jamia.M1532.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Computer Briefs: Internet Telephone Service
Ackerman MJ
J. Med. Pract. Manag.,2004. 20(2):88-89.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Computer Briefs: Wireless Networking - 802.11?
Ackerman MJ
J. Med. Pract. Manag., 2004. 19(4):198-199.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Computer Briefs: Wireless Networking - Security
Ackerman MJ
J. Med. Pract. Manag., 2004. 19(6):299-300.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Evidence-Based Medicine Needs Easy-To-Use Handheld Tools for Universal Utilization
Fontelo P, Ackerman M
Medscape General Medicine. 2004 Sept. 6(3).
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2003Back to top
The PDA as a Portal to Knowledge Sources in a Wireless Setting
Fontelo P, Ackerman M, Kim G, Locatis C
Telemed J E Health. 2003 Summer;9(2):141-7.
(Abstract) (PDF) (PMID: 12855037 )
The Wireless Internet
Ackerman MJ
J Med Pract Management. 2003.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Webcasting Videoconferences Over IP: A Synchronous Communication Experiment
Locatis C, et al.
J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2003 Mar-Apr;10(2):150-3.
(Abstract) (PDF) (PMID: 12595404 )
Year 2002Back to top
Chapter 6: Telemedicine Technology
Ackerman MJ, et al.
Telemedicine Journal and E-Health. 2002;8(1). Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Educational Technology and Instructional Development in Health Care
Locatis C
Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology: Merrill Prentice Hall. 2002;: 225-238.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Feasibility Studies in IP Videoconferencing, Streaming, and Wireless Communication
Locatis C, Fontelo M, Ackerman M, Sneiderman C
Proc. of the AMIA 2002 Annual Symposium. 2002;: 1090.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Going the Last Mile
Ackerman MJ
J Med Pract Management. ;17(6):295-6.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Last Mile Broadband: The Experiment
Ackerman MJ
J Med Pract Management. ;18(1):52-3.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Last Mile Broadband: Trials and Tribulations of Implementing the Plan
Ackerman MJ
J Med Pract Management. ;18(2):107-8.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2001Back to top
Computer Briefs: POTS and Other Channels
Ackerman MJ
J. Med. Pract. Management. 2001; 17(2):112-113.
(Abstract) (PDF)
NGI and Internet2: Accelerating the Creation of Tomorrow's Internet
Kratz M, Ackerman M, Hanss T, Corbato S
MEDINFO 2001 V. Patel et al. (Eds) Amsterdam: IOS Press, IMIA. 2001.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2000Back to top
Some Connectivity and Security Issues of NGI in Medical Imaging Applications
Fan Y, Hwang K, Gill M, Huang HK
Journal of High Speed Networks. 2000;9: 3-13.